Core Workout

hey im new to the forums here at T-Nation but ive been lifting for a few years but ive finally decided to add a core workout day to my lifting week. i was wondering if you guys could tell me some workouts to do and if you could post some pictures of the exercises. any help would be appreciated.

I second the request. It’s always nice to add new exercises to the repertoire. I have a few moves I use on my once a week core day. Not sure if they actually qualify as “core” movements, but they are compound movements and help mix up the routine a bit.

#1 I have an inch and a half braided rope that I throw over my pull up bar and hold each end, suspending myself off the ground and sea-saw back and forth. VERY difficult, works forearm, back, shoulder?. everything but legs it seems.

#2 Another one is called planks something or other (forgot the real term). Take 2 hex head dumbbells (like 10 pounders) and set them on end next to each other. Now like you are going to do a push up, grab each DB at the grip area but keep you grip high. So now your forearms are parallel to the ground as is your body. Now life yourself up?.you?ll be working triceps and every muscle from your neck down. It really tights up the core, at least for me.

#3 I?m having a set of farmers walk bards made at a local metal fab shop. Not sure if this is a core exercise, but I like it for more overall body work.

#4 Wood chop. Put the triceps rope on the upper pully. Now turn so your back is to the pully, grab the rope that is behind you, get to your knees and pull to the floor like you?re chopping wood. Real wood chopping is even better.

I think I did a terrible job describing. Can anyone help out with pics?

If you’re doing squats, deadlifts, maybe some hang cleans, then you’re doing core work.

Sometimes, people get in the mindset that you have to isolate muscles for them to be worked.

The function of the “core” is to stabilize our body, and well that’s accomplished a lot with free weights.

that being said, I’m a fan of planks (think yoga, or the start of the pushup position where you just hold the exercise). Or some woodchops (diagonal, front). maybe try a search on here for pics, kind of hard to explain.

Old school core (ab) training, straight from Coach Davies:

Did you do a search of the site using the term “core”.

That is a rhetorical question.

[quote]possessedclown wrote:
ive finally decided to add a core workout day to my lifting week.[/quote]

I don’t understand this mentality.

Anyways, overhead squats are great.

squatting alone is not going to get nice abs unless you isolate. im not talking 200 crunches or stability ball crunches. i mean like 200 lb cable crunches and shit like that

is there anyting else anyone can offer. im not really looking for a core work out for stability reasons but to isolate the abs so i can get more of the abdominal muscles to start showing up.

thib’s abs for something and babehounds. It’s a good article…barbell rollouts are absolutely killer

Is this site turning into What is is with all of the ab threads lately?

[quote]possessedclown wrote:
is there anyting else anyone can offer. im not really looking for a core work out for stability reasons but to isolate the abs so i can get more of the abdominal muscles to start showing up. [/quote]

Lose fat.