My brother only has a barbell and 300 pounds of free weight. He’s trying to use the excuse that he can’t get a good work out without a squat rack or a bench and I of course being a frequent reader of this site told him bullshit.
I may have went too far but I told him I could probably come up with a hundred exercises a person could do with no other equipment or accessories other than the weights, the bar, and the floor.
I have come up with almost twenty off the top of my head but do you guys have any more?
military press
front squat
hack squat
romanian deadlift
barbel curl
reverse curl
french press
bent over row
upright row
overhead squat
push press
waterbury walks
clean and jerk
Bar Work:
calf raise
1 Leg squat (if he’s suicidal)
russian twist
floor press
board press
front raises
overhead press (tricep)
bradford press
step ups
Plate Work (needs good grip for some):
russian twist
overhead press (tri’s)
lying extensions
single arm reverse curl
lateral/front raises
reverse flyes
general forearm/grip work
rotator cuff work
neck work
I’m sure I missed lots, but that’s what everyone else is here for. I wish I had a bar and 300 lbs…
[quote]Tom_H wrote:
military press
front squat
hack squat
romanian deadlift
barbell curl
reverse curl
french press
bent over row
upright row
overhead squat
push press
waterbury walks
clean and jerk
That pretty much covers everything you need to be able to do. And you can do various variations of the above.
One-arm barbell snatch
Floor press
Overhead walks
Triceps extensions
Standing calf raises
T-bar row (put barbell in corner of room)
Barbell side bends
Russian twist
Look for resources on old strongman training. I have George Jowetts course on physical culture. Mark Berry should have some good stuff he was almost strictly barbells. Alot of the books writtne by these strongmen can be bought for anywhere between $10-30. There is a guy who is a collector of such books and has a website that you can order off of. Even though alot of us want to only lift heavy the old strongmen would rarely use anything above 25lbs in training and would focus on achieving a perfect contraction with a high degree of tension. Then in competitions they would be able to lift tremendous weights; poundages that would put many modern day strongmen and powerlifters to shame. Anyhow I can’t remember the site but I’ll try to post it if ifind it again. In the meantime here are a few more that I don’t think have been mentioned yet:
1 arm dl
1 arm snatch
anterior barbell raise ( also can be done as a static hold)
barbell ab roller (refer to athletes and babehounds article by CT
Shovel lift
Power curl
Bent press
Pullover on floor
Floor press (this one may not count since you need a partner to hand you the weight)
Also, check out the All-Around Weightlifting Association for some really odd and old school lifts. Some of their lifts need equipment, but many don’t. They’ve got I don’t know how many variations of the DL, e.g., DL using only your middle fingers to grip the bar - I personally wouldn’t want to do this but if we’re going for sheer quantity of exercises…