[quote]Sawinwright wrote:
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
[quote]Sawinwright wrote:
Hey CT, whats your current recommendation for maximizing muscle gains with the layer system?
Is it still;
Ramp 1RM
90% - 3 x Cluster Sets
80% - 3 x Max Reps, Rest, Max Reps
Are we amending this for further gains, thought I saw you mention about additional sets of Clusters but I could have misread.[/quote]
Week 1: Ramp to 3RM, 3 cluster sets, 3 HDL sets
Week 2: Ramp to 2RM, 4 cluster sets, 2 HDL sets
Week 3: Ramp to 1RM, 5 cluster sets, 1 HDL set
Week 4: Ramp to 1RM, 3 HDL sets, 2 max pump sets
Woah quite a change, I see you’ve been busy! 
Do I have the percentages correct, ie each cluster set is 90% of that days ramp, albeit 1, 2 or 3rm? Same applying to the HDL?
Sorry, how do we also do the max pumps?[/quote]
Yes, 90% of the day’s ramp…, if you can do more than 6 reps on a cluster set, add 10lbs for the next set. If you cannot get 3, decrease the weighr by 10-20lbs.
The max pump is like the 5-4-3-2-1 but with iso hold instead of rest… for example 5 reps, 5 seconds pause 3" from chest, 4 reps, 4 seconds hold, 3 reps, 3 seconds hold, 2 reps, 2 seconds hold, 1 rep, 1 sec hold