Mass and Strength Program

my goals are to get BIG and STRONG!here’s what my plan looks like (in regards to training): an A-B split, alternating b/w them 3x a week.

workout A

split squat: 1x20

upright row:1x20

bench press:4x3-5

2 sets of of 8-10 reps of:

preacher curl
overhead extension
seated calve raise

workout B


barbell row:4x3-5
reverse laterals:1x20

push press:4x3-5
arnold press:1x20

2 sets of 3-5 reps of:

reverse curl (for grip strength and forearm development)
lying triceps extension
standing calve raise

what are your opinions and what are your thoughts on the overall plan? total sets per workout is only 21.

benching at all? try to organize, u dont need to squeeze everything into two days, start with either a 3 or 4 day spplit with something like this:
monday: squat and assistance

wed.: bench and assistance (shoulder, tris)

fri: dead and assistance (back, bi’s grip)

or 4 day:

monday: squat

tuesday: bench ME

thursday: deadlift

saturday: bench DE or whatever is weak and u need to work on,

try something like that for a while and then u can maybe up the load to 5days a week if u find it necesary i know alot of ppl dont, i do. hope that helps

do you find that working each movement once a week is enough for strength development?

ya, the first workout you posted seems to fit my schedule better, but i was just wondering about the low frequency for each of the big 3.

oh and, in my workout A, i did list benching.

but i appreciate your help.

o yeh i c now, if u work the muscle hard enough it will, also look up the shotgun method article, its 4 days i think but each main exercise is once a week. other wise u could do this if its not wworking u hard enough:

1: bench, assitance, end with high rep squatting

2: deadlift and assistance

3: squat and assist, end with high rep bench,

this way u hit it when u already fatigued and it might be lke a good follow up to ur previous session

looks great, im seriously considering it. for the high rep squat and bench, how many sets?

im on a high rep phase now of just 10’s, if u use the doing high rep bench after a squat day and vide versa i would say 2-3 sets of one pressing exercise of 10-20

u could start with what u can do for 20 and then do another set of the same weight trying to get close to 20.

i know alot of ppl on here dont like high reps but i think they are great and add muscle like nothing else if u use a heavy weight that u have to breathe ur way through

you mean like breathing sets?

yeh, i just did 225x15 that way :slight_smile:

sweet! ya, breathing sets (for any exercise) is very demanding and packs on muscle like a bitch! i’ll give it a try.

btw, since i got you here, what are your thoughts on split squats? you find regular squats better? (im talking about for the high rep breathing squat sets, not the heavy ones)

used split squats once or twice, didnt like them just a weird set up and doesnt hit the muscles i want to carry over to my real squat since the split is quad dominant and im a wide squatter so im ham dominate, plus regular=more weight, more growth