I tried to send this to StormTheBeach, but PMs don’t work apparently. So, if you see this STB, let me know.
Anyway, the situation:
I have a feeling this was connected, so I need to include it:
I was doing tabata kettlebell swings on Thursday (with 80 lbs. Way too much). I got through one round and my back hated me. For the next couple of days, my right-side extensors from my mid-back down to my lower back were sore as hell, and so was my right glute max.
Saturday, I was doing ME bench work, and I just could not get into my arch. I thought nothing of it other than being pissed, we all have bad days.
Well, Sunday was ME lower day and I decided to do reverse band free squat. From 135 onward, my lower back was hurting a lot at the bottom of each rep. As far as I could tell, it was when my lower back went into flexion (I buttwink). Well, I worked up to 525, and my form held up and it was relatively easy, but it hurt like hell on my left side. I wanted to do a high rep set with 315, but only did one when I realized I fucked something up.
Now, two days later, it hurts just as much. I’ve been stretching and rolling around on a tennis and baseball.
It hurts the most when I do these:
-Squatting down at buttwink (Obviously)
-Standing straight and pulling my pelvis into anterior rotation/lower back into extension.
-Balance on left leg, pull right thigh into flexion past 90 degrees. Not other way around.
-Same as last one, but below 90 and reaching down with arms (lower back flexion)
-Leaning forward while sitting (mostly in lower back flexion, not extension)
-Ab work/sitting up
-Staggered hamstring stretch, with left leg straight, right leg slightly bent. Not other way around.
Also walking, driving, and standing up from a chair. Again, it’s on the left side. I was sore on the right from the KB swings.
It feels more deep than superficial, but I could be wrong. Maybe the multifidus?
I really don’t know, but I have my first meet on Feb. 23, so I’m pretty pissed. Anyone have opinions on this or how to fix it?
EDIT: Also, I was trying to do some speed bench today and I couldn’t come close to arching my back. I tried to pull up into it, but it hurt worse than anything else I’ve done.