Losing Strength??

Hey guys, I recently (3 weeks) started hitting the gym hard again after a year lay off due to shoulder problems and I was making good progress until tonight. I was doing chest and almost had a 75lb dumbbell fall on my head while doing presses, my last workout I finished with 80’s for 6 reps.

The only thing that has changed basically has been diet over the past 2 weeks. I cut carbs all together except for drinking them P/O with Protein…About 75 grams worth…I been basically sticking with lean meats and fats…I was trying to lean out a bit as well as gain my strength back.

My supplements are:

Thermogenic Thyrotabs (Converts to t-3)
Furazadrol (equals to 50mg of winnie)
haladrol 50 - original
along with fish oil, multi-vitamins, BCAA powder.

Can one lose strength while restricting carbs as much as I have??

Thanks for any help…

You can EASILY lose strength while cutting carbs. Cutting and maintaining strength is hard to do. You need carbs for energy, bottom line. You’re restricting your energy budget. Something has to go; it happens to be your strength.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too…

You can also burn out (usually not after starting back w/ only 3 weeks of training though). Its your diet, not a burn out…

[quote]Synthetickiller wrote:
You can EASILY lose strength while cutting carbs. Cutting and maintaining strength is hard to do. You need carbs for energy, bottom line. You’re restricting your energy budget. Something has to go; it happens to be your strength.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too…

You can also burn out (usually not after starting back w/ only 3 weeks of training though). Its your diet, not a burn out…[/quote]

Thanks I was thinking this too…Do you think maybe I should add carbs (brown rice) for the meal following my PWO shake and maybe add some oats with my breakfast and see how it goes from there?? Maybe even carb cycle 2 low one high…what ya think?

Honestly, I don’t worry too much about cutting, so if I were to advise you on just how to diet properly, it would end in failure. I’m a powerlifter and in no way, worried about my physique. I just know that if you want to get strong, you carbo-load and get in enough protein before and after.

Maybe someone can advise him on just he needs to do diet wise?

[quote]Synthetickiller wrote:
Honestly, I don’t worry too much about cutting, so if I were to advise you on just how to diet properly, it would end in failure. I’m a powerlifter and in no way, worried about my physique. I just know that if you want to get strong, you carbo-load and get in enough protein before and after.

Maybe someone can advise him on just he needs to do diet wise?[/quote]

So far my diet has been roughly 1.5 grams of lean protein per lb of body weight. Do to my job I cant really eat meals every 2-3 hours so I normally eat a VPX Zero Impact bar or have a casein shake. I can only really eat one solid meal while at work which is normally 8 oz chicken with avacado and some green olives…typical day is like this:

awaken to thermogenic thyrotab

  1. 3 eggs with a little cheese and a protein shake with superfoods and bcaa powder 4 fish oil caps, multi and haladrol 50

  2. vpz zero impact protein bar

  3. 8 oz chicken with 8 green olives and a healthy amount of avacado

thermogenic thryotabs

  1. muscle milk casein shake

  2. whey isolate shake with 4 caps of furazadrol and 1 haladrol 50


half way through workout takes 10.5 grams of leucine 7.5 grams of glutamine, 5 grams of isoleucine 5 grams of valine, 3 grams of cittruline malate

  1. Surge- amount roughly 75 grams of protein 50 gram of protein give or take

  2. steamed chicken and broccoli

ZMA at bed

You’ve only been at it for 3 weeks. There’s lots of things that change from day to day; energy levels, motivation, etc. Don’t worry about it until it becomes a pattern.

A couple of things

  1. You’ve been lifting for three weeks and you’re taking a stack of winnie and T3? This doesn’t seem… inappropriate to you?

I mistrust their effects. And your knowledge/ability about bodybuilding.

2)Sip the Surge during your workout. This’ll get the carbs to your muscles where it can be used during the workout, without worrying about it turning into fat.

  1. Reps <6 rely on phosphates for fuel, not glycogen. Creatine helps. Make sure you’re fully loaded.