k guys as u see from the subject u understand my problem,the thing is i don’t do body buyilding am into Thai Boxing,so i wanted to ask you guys how can i loose my last 10 kgs,i already lost 15 kg’s,and it seems that thos last 10 are very hard to get rid off them.
Now am 95 kgs,am 26 of age,and my height is 187 cm.
i would appreciate any good advice.
thx alot
What does your current diet like? What are you workouts like? What is your caloric intake? What is your maintenance caloric needs. We need more info. What is your body fat percentage? Has your metabolism slowed significantly?
If you give more extensive and useful information it is more likely that you will get a useful and tailored response.
my diet consists mostly of protien,i include one circle of white bread with it,in lebanon our bread is circular.
anyways i workout 4 times a week,now i made them 5,an hour and a half every time,and for another 30 minutes i lift some weights “bench press,triceps,biceps,shoulders”
i donno whats my calorie intake thats why i am asking u guys,ur more professional with these things,and dont know whats my fat percentage but i am 187 cm weighing 95 to 98 kg’s.
hope these info can help
[quote]waelkd wrote:
my diet consists mostly of protien,i include one circle of white bread with it,in lebanon our bread is circular.
i donno whats my calorie intake thats why i am asking u guys,ur more professional with these things[/quote]
If you want to effectively lose weight you have to monitor your calorie intake. People have no chance of giving you any sort of advice when you provide no information at all. People here might be professional, but that doesn’t make them capable of telling you what you need to do to lose more weigh when the information you supply is the abovementioned.