[quote]saps wrote:
Lovely LG simply lovely.
Don’t ya love the sudden surge.
2008 the Summer of Cycle Lovin’
All the best to ya I have a lot of logs to follow now. runt’s, mb’s, yours, mine, shoot; let the good times roll[/quote]
Hell yeah dude! And you can bet I’m enjoying every minute of it. Quite the learning experience!
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
I have just heard and read about too many issues with people not utilizing enough sites, injecting more oil into a site where the prior bolus of oil that has been injected has not yet fully dissapated.
This is my concern, also. There’s been times when pinning EOD, that a bolus hasn’t dissipated for two weeks. I’ve skipped over sites because of this. At the same time, sites that have been pinned more recent recede quicker. This has made me consider eight sites instead of my usual six.
I have not had a single episode where there’s been an infection. Yet the darn bugger just doesn’t go away as fast as others. I was hoping that tren is in a lighter oil, thus allowing for a quicker dissipation. Because if not, and I pin ED… I may need a dozen sites. That does not make me happy.
Im pretty lucky with the tren as towards the end of the first week my sleep has been pretty much back to normal.
I did just start nights again this week so will use the gaba, melatonin and 5htp just prior to crawling into bed at 0645 tomorrow morning and for the rest of the week.
Going to bump the T3 up to 50mcg this week as the previous week was all done at 25mcg. Also taking clen again this week as compared at an ECA type fat burner for a portion of last.
Still up around 8 lbs on the scale with what looks to be a slight decrease in bf in the abdominals. Feeling slighly more pumped in the gym but nothing too drastic yet.
Within the last few days libido took a huge jump up. Im also starting to notice the differnt ways my body feels when on. I feel like I somewhat dont need as much sleep and tend to wake up much more perky and alert.
Currently traning with a 4 day split of Chest/Tris, Back/Bis, Shoulders/Traps, Legs/Calves. Days off are taken when I dont have time to get to the gym, but am making it there 5-6 days per week.
Alas for me, the insomnia from tren is deal breaker, especially during the summer months.
Tell me about it. I have been whacked out sleep wise for years so that’s not as inconvenient for me as the damn sweating like a stuffed pig, especially during the dam hot as summer.
Well today was my 10th shot and all is well. Im just slightly more than 10 lbs heavier on the scale with a slight decrease in bf. I have gained 1/2" on my arms and a bit more than 1/2" on my quads.
With the tren the sleeping issues are no longer there, but the excessive persperation sure is. Im dripping sweat during my work outs and occasionally wake up with beads on my forehead and my back damp while sleeping.
Going to start incorporating more cardio in. Every since doing that half marathon may long weekend my desire to do anything other than walking is really slim to none. I know that to get to the bf% I plan to its a must at this point as im trying to put a bit of size on with this cycle rather than just lean out.
Going to get the finace to snap some photos tomorrow. It would of been nice to get some before I started but have been rather busy lately.
Attaching a couple pics. They didnt turn out so well but figured I may as well attached them anyways. The pics were taken with the camera sideways and then when the program turned them upright they definately look different. Photos were also taken from too much of an angle looking upright.
Looking good, LillGuy. I was going to say what saps said but he already said it. Looks like you’re already pretty lean so you should come in looking terrific at the end of your cycle.
Well week two is just about to come to a close and happy to report that the weight is continuing to increase at more than one lb per day.
Am now sitting at 234 lbs which is a 16 lb gain as of today in the gym.
Brought my T3 dosage up to 75 mcg this week which is where I will top it out at. Week 1 was 25mcg, 2 was 50mcg and 3 will be 75mcg and then its time to taper on downward.
Most calories are clean and keeping the protein intake somewhere near 350-400+ grams per day.
Bumping adex up to either .25mg ED or .5 EOD as from my understanding it doesnt make much difference either way. Going to add more B6 in as well as am currently only consuming the amount thats contained in my multi.
One thing ive definatly noticed in recent days is my skin is much more oily than it was at the beginning of the cycle, even much more than it was midway through week two for that matter. Back to 2-3x/day showers again to ease that issue.
Strength wise im not noticing anything too drastic. Im sure that there is some there, but ive just recently started training chest heavier again after a few months recouping a strained bicep tendon. Pumps are starting to become a bit more apparent as well as being slightly more vascular.
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
Well week two is just about to come to a close and happy to report that the weight is continuing to increase at more than one lb per day.
Am now sitting at 234 lbs which is a 16 lb gain as of today in the gym.
Brought my T3 dosage up to 75 mcg this week which is where I will top it out at. Week 1 was 25mcg, 2 was 50mcg and 3 will be 75mcg and then its time to taper on downward.
Most calories are clean and keeping the protein intake somewhere near 350-400+ grams per day.
Bumping adex up to either .25mg ED or .5 EOD as from my understanding it doesnt make much difference either way. Going to add more B6 in as well as am currently only consuming the amount thats contained in my multi.
One thing ive definatly noticed in recent days is my skin is much more oily than it was at the beginning of the cycle, even much more than it was midway through week two for that matter. Back to 2-3x/day showers again to ease that issue.
Strength wise im not noticing anything too drastic. Im sure that there is some there, but ive just recently started training chest heavier again after a few months recouping a strained bicep tendon. Pumps are starting to become a bit more apparent as well as being slightly more vascular.[/quote]
Just wanna say, great log so far. I have some questions.
What’s the increased B6 for?
How’s the sexual sides of Mast so far? Lol.
Are you feeling the tren sides as far as cardiovascular limitations?
And holy shit, 2-3 showers a day? But hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Nobody finds acne attractive.
Increased b6 is to decrease negeative effects of tren associated gyno. Since tren is a product that isnt supposed to aromatize, adex technically isnt supposed to help.
Ive noticed no sexual sides at this point. Libido is definately up a bit, however not as much as say a test only cycle. Ive noticed that same boobs and ass coincidence that I belive saps noticed as well. All parts are working as good as they should be, if not better. Have noticed a slight shrinkage of the testicals lately. Still debating on using some hcg or not at this point.
Id have to be doing some extensive cardio in order to tell if it has changed any limitations at this point in time. Current only cardio is walking uphill on a treadmill or mild walking/cycling outdoors. I just completed a half marathon a bit over a month ago so my urge to do cardio at this point has not really come into play yet. I am slightly more winded on some sets that I still do in the 12+ rep range that I normally would be.
Increased b6 is to decrease negeative effects of tren associated gyno. Since tren is a product that isnt supposed to aromatize, adex technically isnt supposed to help. [/quote]
You know that progesterone wont cause gynocomastia though dont you? That it is the estrogen that is ‘intensified’ kinda by the progesterone, and if the estrogen is reduced to the level that A-Dex reduces it to… then the progesterone has nothing to aggrevate.
B6 is useful in individuals who are either very sensitive to the effects of prog agonising estrogen, and as such can get gyno even with very low (but not non-existent) levels of estrogen, or for POSSIBLY reducing a progestins effects on libido and HPTA function (via prolactin i believe but this is where my knowledge takes a nose dive)…
I am pretty sure you know this stuff, but just making sure as your post suggested otherwise… i do not mean to patronise…
I am pretty sure you know this stuff, but just making sure as your post suggested otherwise… i do not mean to patronise…
Its all good man. On my last bulk I incorporated 3 weeks blasts of tren ace at either 75mg or 100mg per day. I cant recall the the product was dosed at. Every time towards the end of those three weeks my testicals were definately smaller and there were small chunks behind the nipples which I attributed directly to the tren.
I do feel that the added b6 will help to prevent this this time around and allow me to run the tren ace for the duration of the 7-8 week cycle but at a lower dose per day.