It actually started as of yesterday. Was expecting everything I needed as of yesterday and its still not around today. However theres definately enough to get me by for a few days.
Last nights shot was 80mgs prop, 50mg tren ace and 35mg mast prop. 25mg winstrol caps are not here yet, however I should be picking up a handful of them from my buddy tonight.
Also threw down 25mcg of T3 as I have it lying around. Will likely only go up to 50mcg with this. B6 is currently only at 150mg per day as thats how much is included in the animal pk vitamins im currently using. Will start the .25mg adex EOD likley at about day 3.
I work a very strange cycle here at work but am using an ECA type fat burner while on shift and clen on days off. Also skipping some days here and there and not using anyting.
Just started slowly introducing more carbs back into my diet this week and will continually up them as I progress futher into my cycle and my bf drops.
Starting bodyweight of 218lbs at about mid morning. Will likley get some before pics taken within the next few days here and post current measurements as well if anyone is interested.
Any futher questions, comments or concerns, feel free to ask.
Obviously nothing exciting to report at this time, however shot #2 was left ventro. First time pinning in this area and people are not kidding when that this site is about the best there is.
I may have noticed feeling a bit warmer than normal waking up from a nap this afternoon. However im unsure if the little bit of tren from yesterday would of caused this already.
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
Obviously nothing exciting to report at this time, however shot #2 was left ventro. First time pinning in this area and people are not kidding when that this site is about the best there is.
I may have noticed feeling a bit warmer than normal waking up from a nap this afternoon. However im unsure if the little bit of tren from yesterday would of caused this already.[/quote]
Nice going lilguy.
How much detail did you put into finding the ventro?
Did you do the landmark thingamajiggy, or just wing it, lol?
Great cycle and can’t wait to see you start reaping the benny’s buddy.
I looked pretty much for the spot that feels a bit like a ball when putting weight on that leg. While standing, put the weight on the other legs and sunk an inch and a half pin better than an inch in.
With these everyday injections I figured I better utilize at least 6 spots and cant reach around to the glutes myself.
Are you combining the three into one injection? I would think 3 pinnings a day would get tiring. I’m quite interested in this as well, I think it’ll work out great for ya.
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
I looked pretty much for the spot that feels a bit like a ball when putting weight on that leg. While standing, put the weight on the other legs and sunk an inch and a half pin better than an inch in.
With these everyday injections I figured I better utilize at least 6 spots and cant reach around to the glutes myself.[/quote]
That’s interesting and actually works. Just tried it.
All three are definately combined in the same shot. I brewed the tren and the mast together at 100mg tren/70mg mast per ml. So I combine 1/2 cc of that with 3/4 of a cc of prop. The winstrol is a 25mg cap.
Even after just two shots days the tren is already causing my quality of sleep to be not near as good as it was prior to starting.
Ran a stasis/taper last time. I would think a bit better than 3 months since starting the taper portion.
Not really as much time off between as I typically take, however I do feel that the recovery was very smooth back to natural levels and feel that I am long fully recovered at this point.
Figured I may as well edit this post and add some measurements in here as well. Figured I better take these now as I think they have slightly changed already or will in the very near future.
I took all of these myself, so they may be slightly off.
neck 18"
chest 45"
natural waist 35.5"
quad 26.5
calf 17
Weight was 221.5lbs today. 6’1" tall.
Yes I know my arms need work. Biceps specifically.
Well just got back from the gym. Mid afternoon weigh in of 226. So currently up about 8 lbs in 4 days.
I do realize that this is mostly water and some potential muscle memory due to just recently starting to take a creatine product again finally getting back to doing legs regularly.
However this is most certainly a step in the right direction.
Still havent introduced all that many carbs back into my diet. Slowly but surely as im still trying to bring my bf down a couple points. Bumped protein and good fats up since the beginning of this week though.
I shoot left delt, left ventro and left quad and then do the same down the right side.
I have just heard and read about too many issues with people not utilizing enough sites, injecting more oil into a site where the prior bolus of oil that has been injected has not yet fully dissapated.
I dont know if it will make it go away any quicker, however I do know that I am doing everything I can to prevent a possible abcess.
Lovely LG simply lovely.
Don’t ya love the sudden surge.
2008 the Summer of Cycle Lovin’
All the best to ya I have a lot of logs to follow now. runt’s, mb’s, yours, mine, shoot; let the good times roll