Current Cycle

Just thought I’d share what’s going on at the moment.

I’m currently in the 7th week of a long cycle, probably 8 to 10 more depending on how everything holds up.

First 5 weeks were somewhat of a cutter. Just 250/mg test e once per week. Was doing cardio/clean diet, etc. Got down to 220-222 leaner than I’ve ever been (still no abs however, this despite visable veins almost every place on my body).

I’m now in the second week of 500mg test e with 500mg tren e, and the test is kicking in! Weight is already up to 236, althought I’m sure this is mainly due to diet. I have been logging over 6,000 cals/day and 400 grams pro on fitday. And they have been sloppy calories at best :slight_smile: Don’t even ask how high the fat intake has been.

All my lifts are shooting up, this is also partially due to finally having some nagging injuries resolved. Squatted 405 for a triple last night, then on the 8th set I finished with 225 for 20 reps. I realize this is pussy, but it’s way up from where I had been.

I will try and get some newer pics up, as I think 250-255 is going to happen before I’m done with this run. Can’t wait for the tren to hit!



In my mind it is not pussy, those are some good lifts…be careful of those nagging injurys, hope they don’t come back to haunt you. I learned the hard way with a shoulder problem.

Very best of luck, Keep us posted.


yes, be very careful with your injuries … especially when on androgens. I think it was thib who said it (can’t be sure), but resist the urge to throw on tons of weight for low reps. Instead, keep the same weight and increase the reps as you get stronger. Your joints/tendons/ligaments will thank you. Because, in the end, we are all looking for hypertrophy, right?
I have just started a test/eq/proviron cycle that will be a long one like yours. I don’t think I will drop below the 6 rep range on heavy sets for the entire cycle.

Thanks fellas. One of my biggest problems is that I’m just trying to get my strength up, as it’s something I’ve never really focused on. I have a feeling that if I can get it up, I’ll get bigger at the same time.

I will continue to watch the injuries though. I am still getting ART treatment on back and shoulders, so hopefully they keep improving.


Any time you make progress, tis a damn good thing. Damn good lifting bro.
