Hey everyone, I’d like to get your feedback or input on my cycle I have planned for the summer. I do have a couple questions and hope you guys can help out!
Right now I am 5’11" 255lbs and 13% - 14% BF. Lost my calipers but I am assuming since I can still see abs I can’t be too much more than that.
The cycle I am planning will be 8 weeks and intended to add some strength while getting leaner.
Test Prop 100mg ED 1-8
Masteron 100mg EOD 1-8
Tren Ace 50mg ED 1-6
Will be running Adex at 0.25mg EOD throughout and have Caber on hand as well.
Couple questions I have are: Would anyone be opposed to swapping the Test Prop with Test E or Cyp with a frontload? This will be my first time with Tren Ace and I do not want to go overboard with it, does that dose seem too low?
I dont think the tren dose is too low, one might say that 35-40mg a day is a great dose for them personally. Cycle looks pretty good IMO but I dont know much about that Mast, I have no experience with it. I think if youre not cutting for a competition you could do the Test E w/ frontload fine, I would just start the TA week 2 to be sure.
I dont think the Caber will be needed, but it certainly doesnt hurt to have it.
[quote]juice82 wrote:
The cycle I am planning will be 8 weeks and intended to add some strength while getting leaner.
Test Prop 100mg ED 1-8
Masteron 100mg EOD 1-8
Tren Ace 50mg ED 1-6
Thanks! [/quote]
i like it, i’d also stick with them Prop. with the other 2 fast acting compounds and the short duration i think you’re good to go there. Also i agree with the dose decision for the tren, it can be nasty for some so way to play it smart
[quote]Game_over wrote:
juice82 wrote:
The cycle I am planning will be 8 weeks and intended to add some strength while getting leaner.
Test Prop 100mg ED 1-8
Masteron 100mg EOD 1-8
Tren Ace 50mg ED 1-6
i like it, i’d also stick with them Prop. with the other 2 fast acting compounds and the short duration i think you’re good to go there. Also i agree with the dose decision for the tren, it can be nasty for some so way to play it smart[/quote]
Thats what I was thinking. I do not want to get on and have to stop because the sides are too bad. I will up the dose a bit in the next cycle and see how I react, find out where my limit is.
Dosages look pretty good to me. Regarding the tren it wouldnt hurt to go to about 35mg/day for the first round. Injecting first thing in the am is best.
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
Dosages look pretty good to me. Regarding the tren it wouldnt hurt to go to about 35mg/day for the first round. Injecting first thing in the am is best.[/quote]
[quote]juice82 wrote:
LillGuy001 wrote:
Dosages look pretty good to me. Regarding the tren it wouldnt hurt to go to about 35mg/day for the first round. Injecting first thing in the am is best.
Thanks for the tip!
Why in the am though?[/quote]
Less of the typical sides that are assiocated with tren are felt this way. Maily the problems with insomnia, night sweats and low appetite. Also another reason to go with only 30-35 mg/day for your frist run with this product.