ok so after (and still doing) some research I think I have a cycle outlined, it would be my first cycle and I plan on starting it in 4-6 weeks.
here it goes…
week 1-10 test prop 500mg/week shot eod.
week 4-12 masteron di prop 300mg/week shot eod. (300 too much? i’ve read it seems between 250-300)
week 6-12 winstrol 50mg shot ed.
a week prior to starting the cycle and then week 1-12 adex at .25mg eod, adjusted as need be
pct will be a standard nolva, possibly test taper if I have some TE.
will have letro on hand if need be.
If you want stats look at my profile.
now here is the discussion part of it. lol
I’ll try and answer a few questions before hand. lol
I am going with a multi-compound first cycle instead of a test only cycle that was advised. I do agree that test only would be a great cycle to see how I react, etc.
The thing that has me wanting to run the cycle I have planned is that I’m not just some first time user looking to get big.
Yes that is the reason >:D but I will be taking this up to a bodybuilding contest and I feel that the added compounds besides test will help with my look. I am also dropping the test a few weeks out from the contest in an attempt to come in totally dry.
From my research I also like the synergy of mast/winni with test. From what I understand there is a level of hardness/dryness that can only be achieved through winni/mast and thats what I’m shooting for.
10 solid pounds is what I’m shooting for, I’m talking stage pounds. I currently weigh 210 and would like to compete at this weight or higher. Being with a diet and water I drop 10-15 lbs precontest from off season, well you get my point right…lol So in essence it’d be nice to be 225 or so even at “my” offseason and then start my cut.
For those who don’t know my genetics, I have a metabolism and can’t lose my abs if I tried and believe me I try (current 4500-5k cals a day). The top 4 are always visible. My avatar pic was after just 2 weeks of dieting.
I’m hoping with this cycle to add some solid muscle, and with a 6 week diet or so and some good ol fashioned hard work in the gym, I plan on taking the entire novice division. If I can win this then in future shows I will have to be competing against guys who are around the same caliber as the bodybuilder who posts on here under the name prisoner. Basically a nationaly level physique.
My goal is to be able to step onstage with people of that caliber by december of 09. To do that I want to win the novice division in december of 08 then its bulking time all next year
I might switch to a test taper, but that depends on my supply of test E at the time. from the research i’ve done i feel it is optimal but I also feel that a serm pct isn’t a bad idea either.
I have nolva, but have been reading about others such as clomid, toremefine, etc. I really do not know enough about them yet to try and use them, but by the time for pct I feel I will have a better understanding and could possibly use one of them.
I can’t really think of anything else to type right now. to all my friends out there I hope you drop some advice, and to anybody else who wants to chime in all criticism and help is appreciated.
Thanks guys I’m excited!
p.s. I will also be keeping a log here if the vets thing i should, if not I won’t clutter the forum. No food and very little numbers in the log, just stats here and there, and general comments…probably lots of pics too lol
thanks again all!