it’s time again to run a cycle. i’m excited! i swear from the day i started my pct i was already looking forward to the next i’m here again for some advice and of course the usual internet flaming… but if i get some good advice or personal exp. from just one person i’d be happy
my dealer/ “friend” is recommending this tren,sus,eq cycle for me being that my my goal this time around is to get a harder look and gain some good quality lean mass… prior to this cycle i actully ran my first injectable cycle which consisted of test cyp 600mg/w and 400 mg/w of eq… i shot up from 168 to 188 20 pounds to the dot basically it was a bulk cycle. only side effect i noticed was my bacne got worse like 25% worse… after pct ive gone back down to 181. not bad considering i was sent out on a project which had me traveling on a weekly basis around the USA and i work from 5pm to 5am everyday during PCT… little hard to get a stable work out/eating routine but nonetheless i made my best effort and kept a majority of the muscle.i’ll be back home in july for atleast 6months n will run this cycle.
My result in the end is im bigger and stronger… i kinda scale how strong i got from my dealift improvement thats my scale i went from 325 1rm to 415 3 reps now i’m repin 325 for 3 sets of 10 easy.gotta admint haven’t really attempted 1rm since off cycle tho. as far as size i’ve gone by weight and visual appearance, and bicep and chest measurements at my best my biceps wer 16 1/8 and my chest was 45 after pct i’ve gone down to about 15 3/4 bi’s and 44 inch chest.
my cycle history is as follows:
first cycle ever was 6 weeks winstrol at 50mg/per day 2 years ago
second Var/clen for 6 weeks at 30mg/per day 1 year ago
third test c/eq 6 months ago
i already know wut a lot of ppl are thinking “too soon for tren” right? well look in my defense i’m not trying to be a pro bodybulider i just want to look good naked and get stronger just like you but on a smaller scale.
current stats:
181 lbs 5’8 about 12-14% bf
190-195 about 9-10% bf and get a harder more define look not so much big/bulky anymore
are these expectation realistic?
i’m thinking to run the dose like this
tren e: 150mg 2x -10 weeks
sus: 250mg 2x a week -12 weeks
EQ: 200mg 2x a week -11 weeks
i feel like this guy is tryin to milk me for money and has me doing a little bit to much juice for a forth cycle (second injectable) i was thinking to keep it simple as i’m still a newb and should get some great results:
test e: 350 mg 2x/week - 12 weeks
tren e: 150 mg 2x/week - 10 weeks
wut do you think? any adjustments needed yes i’ll be running PCT don’t worry thanks for you concern see question 2
i’ve been reading a lot about PCT for tren ive ran novladex with letrozole for AI before for the prior cycle and had zero problems but i heard thats a big no no with tren so i was thinking of running clomid for pct instead and having some letrozole (this shit KILLED my sex drive when i was running it e3d at like .20 haha) on hand incase some gyno shows up… possibly just running some liquid armidex through out?i’m not very side effect prone. how would you run caber? i haven’t been able to find much about that in relation to tren on tmuscle… actually i haven’t seen much about tren on any forums in tmuscle… :'/
to attain my goals should i increase/decrease my daily caloric intake or just leave them the same? i’m taking in about 3500 calories a day right about now and around 200 grams of protein.
should i stick to a 6 day split or move to working a push/pull regimen based on wut i feel i need to work on? my arms/calves need to catch up with my chest,back,and quads i’m a very torso dominant person i’d like to have my limbs catch up a bit in size and have my torso get a little more defined. my neck is 16 1/2 inches ideally i’d like my arms to be the same size if not a little bigger maybe 17
any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
thanks in advance all for you time