Lifting descriptions

I would like to start doing some functional strength type lifting with some variations and need exact descriptions on how some of the movements are performed. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong with any of the lifts.

Power Clean - grasp barbell as in deadlifting and in one complete motion to the standing position lift barbel to rest on chest ? (or does one get into the squating position before standing up ?)

Power Snatch - grasp barbell as in deadlifting and in one complete motion to the standing position lift barbel to an overhead position ? (or does one get into the squating position before standing up?)

High Pull - identical to an upright row ???

Push Jerk - never heard of this one. Is this similar to a Push Press ?

Hang Pull - ???

Thanks for the help.

This should help you out, if no t-folk have any objection to me posting the url:

Great to see you looking at some of the Olympic movements. There are some very particular sequences in learning these lifts and you find a number of sites with pictures of the movements. Try searching on google or if you prefer contact me directly and I have a number of photos you can have. Take your time learning all lifts, practice with a light weight or even a wooden dowel. Learning the lift properly will yield you rich dividends throughout your training for years to come. In faith, Coach Davies

Power clean & power snatch-basically like you described, but you can dip under it a little, say to a half squat. With the snatch (any kind), most people use a wide grip so it’s easier to fix overhead.
High pull-different ways to do these. You can do clean pulls, where you use a clean (~shoulder width) grip & pull to where you’d squat under it if doing a squat clean, so pull to your belly button (like an xplosive deadlift+shrug). Some people also say for clean pulls bend the arms a little & pull higher to almost chest height. Neither are ‘wrong’. Snatch pulls are done to the same height you’d pull for a squat snatch, in other words, to about collarbone height. Pulls are done like a really explosive deadlift followed by a really explosive upright row, so sort of what you said.
Push Jerk-like a push press, but squat under to straighten your arms. Like do a 1/4 squat to get it started (like a push press), & do another 1/4 squat to help straighten your arms once the bar is moving. The arms should be locked when you start to come up.

check this site out for instructions

Thanks for the help guys. Coach Davies I had already considered going very light to perfect technique, but thanks for suggesting it.