Legs Legs Legs for Soccer

I need to get some fucking LEGS. I have some endurance legs to tell you the truth - and I want to be explosive. I have read alot of stuff in mags etc. but need some human fucking input. Tell me what I want to here, and what I need to do. I need a ROUTINE.

Anything would be helpful. Thank you.

5x5 squats super setted with 5x5 stiff leg deadlifts, done 2 times a week at adding 5lbs every workout.

I would say start off with 50% of your max squat and deadlift for the first 5x5 day just to get you going.

Add some OHP and you got yourself a very heavy power program.

Great advice both of you ^

I am no expert and don’t really have a program, just some two things to look for in a program that helped me when I lifted and did rugby:

  1. Single leg, or unilateral, work. It doesn’t need to be a large amount of volume, or really heavy, but you should to some form of single leg work.

  2. Some form of training adjustment for when you are in-season. It’s ok to be a little sore for training, but not so much for game day.

The single leg stuff made a big difference with me. I only did about 10-15 sets of it total in a week, so I didn’t do much. I’ve had complete ligament tears in both ankles, countless sprains around my knees and a hip and groin tear. When I started doing some single leg work, that stuff stopped happening, as well as making a difference to my agility and how I felt.

I previously posted Joe DeFranco’s 2 day template which has a nice balance of max effort, single leg and dynamic work which might be a useful starting point:

Max-Effort Lower Body Day

1.Max-Effort Lift (box squat or deadlift variation): Work up to a 1-3 rep max, rotate exercises every 2 weeks
2.Unilateral lower body movement: 3-4 sets with a moderate weight
3.Glute-ham raise variation 90% of the time 3-4 sets

Dynamic-Effort Lower Body Day (usually 4 days after the max-effort day)

1.Jump variation: 6-8 sets of 1-3 jumps
2.Unilateral lower body movement: 3-4 sets working up to a heavy weight
3.Hip extension movement: 3-4 sets with moderate to heavy weight

Some good unilateral movements:

-Step Ups (my favorite)
-Pistols (I think everyone should learn how to do these: GREAT for balance)

Here’s a leg routine I got from someone and I’m currently trying.

5x5 on all sets
A1. Deadlift
A2. Squat
B. Walking lunges

You can use a lighter weight on all exercises on other days so you can do more explosive reps. You can also replace walking lunges with jump lunges to give more explosive emphasis. If you’re ready, you can progress to plyometric work.


Ah yes, so might wanna throw some power cleans into your workout. They’re easy to learn and they force you to be explosive.

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
Ah yes, so might wanna throw some power cleans into your workout. They’re easy to learn and they force you to be explosive.[/quote]

Finally someone said it.

Where should you toss in power cleans if you were to do them? After squat, dl, and unilateral…or before?

Generally better to do your explosive movements before general strength movements.

Go hear. Read the articles. Become Fast.

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
5x5 on all sets
A1. Deadlift
A2. Squat

if you have built up any sort of strength in either of those lifts, you are either not going as heavy as you should, resting 5 minutes between sets, or really hoping your family can afford to pay your medical bills when your shit gets broken.

[quote]FightingScott wrote:

Go hear. Read the articles. Become Fast. [/quote]

I agree with this. Check out WS4SB3 by Joe DeFranco.

You can download it here.


You need to lift, run (fast) and do plyos. Joe has a good template to do it.

Just lifting isn’t going to get it done.

[quote]Stronghold wrote:
undeadlift wrote:
5x5 on all sets
A1. Deadlift
A2. Squat

if you have built up any sort of strength in either of those lifts, you are either not going as heavy as you should, resting 5 minutes between sets, or really hoping your family can afford to pay your medical bills when your shit gets broken.[/quote]

I’m not that strong yet, so any of the three don’t apply.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:

Just lifting isn’t going to get it done.


At first I contemplated just writing “Go Do Sprints”

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
FightingScott wrote:

Go hear. Read the articles. Become Fast.

I agree with this. Check out WS4SB3 by Joe DeFranco.

You can download it here.


You need to lift, run (fast) and do plyos. Joe has a good template to do it.

Just lifting isn’t going to get it done.


WSFSB 3 is a good place to start. The speed section should help you a fair bit.

Power Cleans are a good exercise for your goal as somebody has already said.

To become fast, a good mixture of track work and getting under the iron is essential.

[quote]Johnny Drama wrote:

To become fast, a good mixture of track work and getting under the iron is essential. [/quote]

Unless you’re black.