Does anyone know what could be causing my left pec to be bigger than my right? I know I saw a post on this a while ago, but I can’t find it in the search engine. I’m pretty sure my left pec has always been larger ever since I started lifting five years ago. If anyone can tell me what’s wrong and how I can fix it I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
I stick to D-bells to keep this to a minimum but have wierd shaped right pec. I had a pretty bad shoulder injury a while ago and still have very slight displacement of the rt shoulder which I think may be contributing to this wierd development. Strenght is just as good but not developing right mid pec beside sternum. Any suggestions?
I used to lift a lot with dumbells, and that helped, but I train Westside now and work with the bar a lot more. I would like to know what causes this imbalance if anyone knows. It’s starting to piss me off looking down at my chest to see one side larger.
I think that it is normal for your left pec to be bigger than your right.
I dont know if it is because the heart is slightly to the left or if its genetic or if its simply because most people are right handed and have a stronger right tricep and therefor when benching have to work harder with there left pec
sounds weird I know
all I know is that it is very very common
I have it (not very bad though lots of dumbell presses helped)and if you look closely I think youll find most people do even if they dont say so themselves