I have an issue that frustrates me. I started StrongLifts and after
having done around 1.5 month of work I found that my form is way off
when weight got heavier. My squat position is low-bar and here is how
I perform it:
Put the bar on traps and squeeze the back, left the elbows up to keep tightness.
Unrack the bar by pushing upwards.
Step back and stand with feet at shoulder width and keep feet at 25-30 degree angle.
Squeeze abs, glutes, move hips back and squat.
Not, at around parallel my form just collapses: I lean forward, my lower back rounds
and I feel weight shifting to my knees. I am not supposed to do a back squat from my knees. They hurt after such feats as do my hip flexors.
Without a bar, when I squat I tend to fall backwards below parallel. I was practicing bodyweight squats at home and tried to get to 3rd world squat and keep myself there. I did improve slightly over 1 week, i.e. I can stay in that position but I am leaned forward, I feel hip flexors doing all the work and my shins muscles are highly tense as well.
The things I tried: Limber 11 warm up routine, 3rd world squat with assistance, goblet squats. Things I plan to try: tight hip flexors(relax them, foam roll etc) → glutes are weak, do some bridges. Lower back hurts after heavy squats, relax and massage, stretch. And finally will try some planks for core.
Does anyone have suggestions or ideas of whether I am wasting my time with this plan and should focus on something else provided details above?