Jordan Peters Full Body One Set to Failure Program

Look any good?

You rotate the movement each session so you only have to beat the logbook once a week for each exercise. So monday might be db bench wednesday might be machine press friday something else. then hit them all again the next week and focus on beting the logbook.

He says that simple doing this 3 times a week is better than most things for anyone not an extremely advanced lifter. Then he suggests upper lower or other splits. Says it should take about an hour and a half as the weights get hard.

CHEST 1 set to failure

SHOULDERS 1 set to failure

SIDE DELTS (OPTIONAL) 1 set to failure

VERTICAL PULL 1 set to failure

CHEST SUPPORTED ROW 1 set to failure

BICEP ISOLATION 1 set to failure

TRICEP VARIATION 1 set to failure

QUAD COMPOUND 1 set to failure

HAMSTRING VARIATION 1 set to failure

GLUTE VARIATION 1 set to failure

CALF ISOALTION 1 set to failure


how I run it

jordan peters full body


session A ---- heavy (6-10) upper body and light (15-25) lower body.

session B ---- light (15-25) upper and heavy (6-10) lower.

session C ---- heavy (6-10) upper body and light (15-25) lower body

session D ---- light (15-25) upper and heavy (6-10) lower

pick one chest focus movement ---- incline bench, db press, Push-Up, Barbell Flat Bench Press

pick one shoulder focused movement ---- seated db press, ohp, fly, Seated Barbell Press

pick one tricep focused movement ---- dip, cable push down, Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension, Cable Overhead Extension with Rope, SSB JM Press

pick one lat bias movement (elbows close) ---- cable lat raise, ntrl pullups, barbell row, chest supported row, db row

pick one upper back thickness focused movement (elbows wide) ---- ntrl pullups, barbell row, chest supported row, db row

pick one side delt isolation movement ---- Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises, One-Arm Cable Raise, Seated Arnold Press, fly

pick one tricep isolation movement ---- single arm tricep push down

pick one bicep isolation movement ---- cable curl, preacher curl, db curl, barbell curl

hamstring ---- leg curl, rdl, db rdl

quad compound ---- squat, leg press

quad isolation ---- leg extension

calf ---- standing calf raise

abs ---- cable ab crunch, roman chair


Barbell Flat Bench Press 315x6-10
ohp 160x6-10
cable push down 50x8-12
barbell row 250x6-10
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises 25x8-12
single arm tricep push down 35x8-12
barbell curl 50x8-12
leg curl 45x15-25
squat 240x15-25
leg extension 25x15-25
standing calf raise 50
cable ab crunch 20x25


db curl 25x8-12
leg curl 90x6-10
squat 330x6-10
leg extension 50x6-10
standing calf raise 50
roman chair 60x6-10
db press 60x15-25
Seated Barbell Press 140x15-25
Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension 40x15-25
db row 90x15-25
Seated Arnold Press 25x8-12
single arm tricep push down 35x8-12


incline bench 300x6-10
seated db press 60x6-10
Cable Overhead Extension with Rope 45x8-12
chest supported row 250x6-10
fly 25x8-12
single arm tricep push down 35x8-12
preacher curl 90x8-12
leg curl 45x15-25
squat 240x15-25
leg extension 25x15-25
standing calf raise 50
cable ab crunch 20x25


leg curl 90x6-10
squat 330x6-10
leg extension 50x6-10
standing calf raise 50
roman chair 60x6-10
Push-Up BW x 75-100
fly 35x15-25
dip bw x 25
ntrl pullups bw x 12-20
One-Arm Cable Raise 20x8-12
single arm tricep push down 35x8-12
cable drag curl 25x8-12



@throwawayfitness can we get a run down of your progress, any recovery issues etc?

This works for everyone I know whose bigger than me, and it’s worked for me as well.

I said it before, but I do not recommend this for beginners or even most intermediates (unless intermediate with 5+ years in the gym). You need to be able to blindly trust your form not to break down, even when the muscle is at it’s most fatigued.

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@Andrewgen_Receptors as well

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Just keep in mind he gained 90-100% of his size BEFORE he started this. He probably gained it all on a regular split, and now uses the body he gained doing everything else, to sell his own stuff.
Im not saying it wont work. Im just saying that people who claim different diets or programs, usually got almost all the results BEFORE.


Did you do any reading before you posted this?

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Nope… Why would i.

I said the magic word - usually.
And i am pretty sure that he didnt go into gym his first time and started 1 set to failure until he looks like he does now.
No one did. Yates didnt, and Metzer also didnt start with the HIT stuff they end up selling.

Do some reading on him. People bigger than you or I speak highly of JPs training, which is why I’ve adopted it. TBH, I like it a lot… its my favorite of the Failure Based systems and ive tried DC and Fortitude so far.

It’s just not suited for beginners.

I am not saying you or people bigger than me dont do that.
I said the he gained MOST his size way BEFORE he ever sold any of his ideas to anyone. Unless there is some pictures where he has been training for 10 years with a bro split and then blows up when he starts doing 1 set to failure, its exactly what i said.

Just because you like the program, it doesnt mean what i said is wrong and vice versa. I also did 1 set thing and i was a huge fan of Mentzer and like his approach but the fact is he never changed when he started HIT, he gained his size doing what was common that time.
And Yates won Olympias before he started pushing HIT. They actually dont gain much after they started the HIT.
Is there any proof where he JP switches from any other split to 1 set stuff and he actually doubles the size? Or he is almost same size 10 years back, no matter how far you look?

Kinda like the vegan bodybuilders who turn out be vegan only for 5 years but bodybuild for 15, and gained all the size when they ate meat.
Not saying 1 set approach is shit. Im just saying that no one who pushes stuff like that actually looks like HE DOES because he did it. The size came first. The ideas came AFTER. So unless you or the big guys you know, actually double the size soon, we have no proof that 1 set to failure does anything different than 5x10 or 10x10, or 3x12 or whatever anyone does.

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When all the other methods stop working, then you try HIT and start seeing new growth - does that also mean the HIT methods have no proof of working?

Bro splits and bodypart splits work well and for a long time. Eventually they stop working for most people - switching to HIT is a pretty tried and true approach for people who are in that position.

Comparing to Olympia level athletes frankly doesn’t apply to anyone on this site.

I’m sure they gained most of their size from other methods. JP states he trained like Dante, Yates, Mentzer, and eventually came up with his own system based off those principles.

If it adds new growth when all other methods stopped producing results - there’s a strong argument for it working. My FFMI is around 27 and i wasn’t sure new growth was going to happen, but I saw new growth on this program. I’m speaking from my experience and that of others who are far bigger/stronger than you or I. He comes from the same branch that Paul Carter came from (another guru of mine).

Not trying to say you’re wrong, just that his training system has worked very well for a great deal of advanced level lifters. Most of us will never see what it looks like to be in the ‘elite’ of that group, so i couldn’t advise there.

He started training seriously running DoggCrapp which is a single rest pause set per bodypart and 3 days a week.

@Andrewgen_Receptors this may double up to another post I made, but I’m interested in trying a DC and or JP approach some time this year. Your comments got me interested but I wondered if you had any advise on what approach one may take to build in to this?

I know I could just do it and not worry, but I’d rather be sensible and build into it given I am not big and strong and I see people saying to gain a foundation before DC or JP training.

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