how I run it
jordan peters full body
session A ---- heavy (6-10) upper body and light (15-25) lower body.
session B ---- light (15-25) upper and heavy (6-10) lower.
session C ---- heavy (6-10) upper body and light (15-25) lower body
session D ---- light (15-25) upper and heavy (6-10) lower
pick one chest focus movement ---- incline bench, db press, Push-Up, Barbell Flat Bench Press
pick one shoulder focused movement ---- seated db press, ohp, fly, Seated Barbell Press
pick one tricep focused movement ---- dip, cable push down, Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension, Cable Overhead Extension with Rope, SSB JM Press
pick one lat bias movement (elbows close) ---- cable lat raise, ntrl pullups, barbell row, chest supported row, db row
pick one upper back thickness focused movement (elbows wide) ---- ntrl pullups, barbell row, chest supported row, db row
pick one side delt isolation movement ---- Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises, One-Arm Cable Raise, Seated Arnold Press, fly
pick one tricep isolation movement ---- single arm tricep push down
pick one bicep isolation movement ---- cable curl, preacher curl, db curl, barbell curl
hamstring ---- leg curl, rdl, db rdl
quad compound ---- squat, leg press
quad isolation ---- leg extension
calf ---- standing calf raise
abs ---- cable ab crunch, roman chair
Barbell Flat Bench Press 315x6-10
ohp 160x6-10
cable push down 50x8-12
barbell row 250x6-10
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises 25x8-12
single arm tricep push down 35x8-12
barbell curl 50x8-12
leg curl 45x15-25
squat 240x15-25
leg extension 25x15-25
standing calf raise 50
cable ab crunch 20x25
db curl 25x8-12
leg curl 90x6-10
squat 330x6-10
leg extension 50x6-10
standing calf raise 50
roman chair 60x6-10
db press 60x15-25
Seated Barbell Press 140x15-25
Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension 40x15-25
db row 90x15-25
Seated Arnold Press 25x8-12
single arm tricep push down 35x8-12
incline bench 300x6-10
seated db press 60x6-10
Cable Overhead Extension with Rope 45x8-12
chest supported row 250x6-10
fly 25x8-12
single arm tricep push down 35x8-12
preacher curl 90x8-12
leg curl 45x15-25
squat 240x15-25
leg extension 25x15-25
standing calf raise 50
cable ab crunch 20x25
leg curl 90x6-10
squat 330x6-10
leg extension 50x6-10
standing calf raise 50
roman chair 60x6-10
Push-Up BW x 75-100
fly 35x15-25
dip bw x 25
ntrl pullups bw x 12-20
One-Arm Cable Raise 20x8-12
single arm tricep push down 35x8-12
cable drag curl 25x8-12