Hi Coach Carter.
I borrowed many of your principles and followed much of what you do. I was thinking to run doggrapp but i am not still andvanced enough. I am still an intermediate lifter and I was planning ongoing something like this. All sets are to concentric failure
A. Bench press/Incline press 1x6-8; 1x15-20
B. Incline db press/flat db press 1x8-12+50%set
C. Dips/weighted pushup 350
Loaded chest stretch
D. Military press/Behind the neck press 1x6-8; 1x8-12
E. mountain dog side delts/rear delts swing 1x50-100
Loaded shoulder stretch
F. pjr pullover/pin press2x15-20
Loaded triceps stretch
G.Back squats/front squats 1x8-12; 1x20 reps breathing squat
A. Rack pulls/High handle trap bar 1x4-6; 1x8-12
B. Barbell row/Yates row: 1x6-8; 1x8-12
C. 350 pullups/chinups
D. Plate oh raise/trap bar shrugs:*1x100
Loaded back strerch
E. Barbell curl/Alternate db Curl: 2x15-20
F. Strict hammer Curl/Wrist Curl: 3x30
Loaded biceps stretch
G. Rdls/Leg Curl: 1x8-12; 1x15-20
Basically i train 3xweek rotating (quite like in doggcrapp) A1, B1, A2, B2
I did not put much leg work cause i noticed that they grow better (at least for me) from minimal work.
If i stall for 3 times on a given exercises i swap that for something else