JMB: I remember a while back on your birthday there was a thread in which you stated your girl was gonna make you a birthday “cake-like” treat or something. Well my b-day is coming up on tuesday and it is the big 21 so I will be doing my diet cheating another way so I figured a little more nutritionaly sound approach to my birthday cake would be a good idea. If you have any healthy cake etc. recepies let me know. Thanks all!!
you need to start with basic cake mix, add 1 tbs. of flax oil to it, 1/2 packet of your favorite MRP, then for the last ingreadient have a chick w/big boobs and a big ass jump out of it. the perfect cake. peace
Haha thanks but it is to late we ended up celebrating with the cake today because I work during the week. My mom got one of those big Mrs. Fields Chocolate chip cookies with all the icing on it (Unfortunatley I have a sick addiction to these and am unable to control myself with them). I begged her to get the small size but she didnt and as my other family members each took one small slice ate it and were finished I proceded to finish the thing. Damn!!! I usually have good self control but not with these things. But I guess cheating like this once isnt gonna hurt anything. Back into my normal routine now. Thing is I could have kept going I love those things.
Well, if JB thought his girlfriend was making him a “nutritionally sound” birthday treat he must have been sorely disappointed - I made him peanut butter brownies filled w/ Reese PB cups and topped them with vanilla ice cream loaded with mixed nuts and chocolate covered pretzels - guess I broke the golden rules of food combinations with that one - but it was well worth it!