Hey all…some have been following my dieting and have been privy to some pretty ridiculous food posts of mine. Well, as of tomorrow, the diet is over…kaput…finished! Whoo-Hoo! Well, to post the results…
At the end of 6 weeks of terrible dieting (I always hate dieting), Im down about 20 lbs total…down to about 185 lbs. My body fat has plummetted. Tonite, using 6 different skinfold equations and an accurate tester (myself), my fat percentage was between 4% and 4.2% for all 6 methods…How’s that for consistency.
My initial body fat level was about 10% by all methods at about 205 lbs. So in dropping from 205 to 10% down to 185 at 4% means a fat loss of about 13.1 lbs of fat and a muscle loss of about 6.9 lbs. Im damn happy with those results!
My strength dropped pretty dramatically in the gym but as soon as I start eating again, it will soar.
My girl has also been dieting with me (she went 8 full weeks) and she has dropped from about 140 lbs at 20% fat to about 130 at 13% fat. That’s a loss of 11.1 lbs of fat and no loss of muscle at all (she’s relatively new to the game).
What diet did we use?..well, we used the meal combo principles from massive eating but not the calorie calcs. I calculated them based on my personal needs as I lost weight. These, my friends, you gotta figure out yourselves!
Some meals p+c and some meals f+p. She used more p+c meals (4-5) and less f+p meals (1-2). Her cals gradually dropped as needed (to keep a constant rate of fat loss) while her cardio increased gradually. At the end she was doing wts 4x per week with 30 min of cardio after and cardio for 40 min on non-training days. I think her diet finished at 1000-1500 cals per day for the last week or two (they obviously started higher though).
I was doing about equal p+c and p+f meals but some days I changed things up by either eating no carbs or no fat. It all depended on how I felt. I also gradually decreased cals and increased cardio so that at the end (for the last 2 weeks) I was training 2 x per day. I was doing wts 4x per week with 30 min cario after and another 30 min on the same day. And 2 30 min sessions on "off days". In the end, my cals may have been as low as 1500-2000 per day for the last week or two (and obviously started higher).
No thermogenics and no T2 for me...I just used Tribex, ZMA, and Surge after weight training workouts.
She just used MD6 for the last few weeks.
Ok, hope that helps some of you schedule your programs. That's all the details Im giving on this forum so no detailed questions. I simply wont answer them. This is all you need anyway.
At this point all I wanna do is go hit a buffet (which I am doing, twice, on saturday…breakfast and dinner!)…