Jeff Willet and Steroids

The video is a year old, but i thought it was quite interesting. enjoy.

seems reasonable enough from what he’s saying, for all the doubters, have a listen, and dont limit yourself just cos somebody says it cant be done.

That what can’t be done?

That a natural competitor can’t win a top natural contest? (Which is what gave him the pro card.)

That someone can’t compete at 198 naturally as he did?

Good video: I hadn’t known of him. While he doesn’t look like much in the clothes – rather Clark Kent-ish – the clips later on show a fine physique.

I would tend to doubt, to the extent one can guess by looking, that he had used anabolic steroids anyhow because ordinarily (not necessarily, but ordinarily) a thicker neck than that would result, as the neck seems especially responsive to androgens. Just as a personal take on things. There is also no other reason to doubt him.

By the way, for those not wishing to take the full 9 minutes, you can jump up to 7:40 and still really get his message and the best clips.

Well-worded and he handled it carefully.

I picked up on this:

“Make sure you are learning from sources that are relelvant to you. If you want to be a drug free bodybuilder, make sure you are not taking advice frome soneone that isnt, because it won’t be as relevant to you. You need to learn from someone that is also drug free, so the methods you use are most relevant to what you want to achieve.”

What do you guys think about that? Should I listen to say Jeff Rodriguez or Ron harris over Ronnie coleman?

I mean, they all train the same, natural or not. I feel that natural bodybuilders just tend to over analyse things when it comes to the advice they give.

It depends on the question.

If it is how to do a given exercise for example, or which exercises are most productive, then whether a person is drug-free or not is irrelevant.

If it is volume of training, then advice from the standpoint of a person continually on steroids (if that is the case) or who does not train very seriously while off of them is not as well-sourced as is the advice of a drug-free bodybuilder.

Or let’s say contest-prep. I’d expect that someone who wants to compete drug-free would be better served with contest-prep advice from a fellow natural than from a drug user.

I saw this video a while ago. I think he probably got lumped into using steroids because people heard rumors of Skip Lacour using pro hormones, and Him and Skip were both training with the whole Max OT system. 198 lbs ripped to the bone at what around 6 foot? That is totally feasible with good genetics and years of hard work.

Well spoken. I think he hits on some good matters here. I never thought I ever had what it took to get on a BBing stage until I started reading the natty mags, and actually started corresponding with a few pros who were nice enough to write back. Had I modeled myself on Yates for example, (as much as I love the guy), I’d never feel ‘ready’. Now I’m not saying that his training knowledge is any less sound than say Jim Cordova’s, each has found what works for them, and you won’t know what will produce results for you until to intelligently and methodically attempt to apply them.


[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
Good video: I hadn’t known of him. While he doesn’t look like much in the clothes – rather Clark Kent-ish – the clips later on show a fine physique.[/quote]

From more head on with the shirt on (the beginning) he doesn’t look very built, but the when they change to more of a side angle (look at 5:30) his chest/shoulders/arms show up.

I have the same sort of phenomenon. At certain angles, I don’t look like much of anything.

Jeff is a great guy. As nice as they come. He’d be a great writer to add here with the renewed “bodybuilding” specific emphasis.


Wait, so he just got his IFBB pro card and called it quits? Damn.

You can win an IFBB pro card in the all-natural contest in question, but AFTER that if you want to use the pro card, you’re going up against juiced guys.

True, he could have stayed at lower level natural contests, but maybe he felt he’d scaled the mountain that he’d aimed at.

Yah I kind of forgot that there aren’t weight classes in the pro ranks.

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
I picked up on this:

“Make sure you are learning from sources that are relelvant to you. If you want to be a drug free bodybuilder, make sure you are not taking advice frome soneone that isnt, because it won’t be as relevant to you. You need to learn from someone that is also drug free, so the methods you use are most relevant to what you want to achieve.”

What do you guys think about that? Should I listen to say Jeff Rodriguez or Ron harris over Ronnie coleman?

I mean, they all train the same, natural or not. I feel that natural bodybuilders just tend to over analyse things when it comes to the advice they give. [/quote]

I think you should listen to them both your just being a nit picking asshole

[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
That what can’t be done?

That a natural competitor can’t win a top natural contest? (Which is what gave him the pro card.)

That someone can’t compete at 198 naturally as he did?

Good video: I hadn’t known of him. While he doesn’t look like much in the clothes – rather Clark Kent-ish – the clips later on show a fine physique.

I would tend to doubt, to the extent one can guess by looking, that he had used anabolic steroids anyhow because ordinarily (not necessarily, but ordinarily) a thicker neck than that would result, as the neck seems especially responsive to androgens. Just as a personal take on things. There is also no other reason to doubt him.

By the way, for those not wishing to take the full 9 minutes, you can jump up to 7:40 and still really get his message and the best clips.[/quote]

Of course it can be done, i just saw the vid, and remembered a lot of people talking about steroids whenever they mentioned him and was giving them his perspective. he seems really cool.

surely he still trains. does he compete still? smaller leagues?

[quote]optheta wrote:
Goodfellow wrote:
I picked up on this:

“Make sure you are learning from sources that are relelvant to you. If you want to be a drug free bodybuilder, make sure you are not taking advice frome soneone that isnt, because it won’t be as relevant to you. You need to learn from someone that is also drug free, so the methods you use are most relevant to what you want to achieve.”

What do you guys think about that? Should I listen to say Jeff Rodriguez or Ron harris over Ronnie coleman?

I mean, they all train the same, natural or not. I feel that natural bodybuilders just tend to over analyse things when it comes to the advice they give.

I think you should listen to them both your just being a nit picking asshole

Who the fuck are you to tell me who I listen to? You sure are good at being an annoying, useless idiot.

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Well spoken. I think he hits on some good matters here. I never thought I ever had what it took to get on a BBing stage until I started reading the natty mags, and actually started corresponding with a few pros who were nice enough to write back. Had I modeled myself on Yates for example, (as much as I love the guy), I’d never feel ‘ready’. Now I’m not saying that his training knowledge is any less sound than say Jim Cordova’s, each has found what works for them, and you won’t know what will produce results for you until to intelligently and methodically attempt to apply them.


Stu, can you share some details on what the natty pros shared with you that you feel is different or unique compared to what an assisted BBer would do?

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
I picked up on this:

“Make sure you are learning from sources that are relelvant to you. If you want to be a drug free bodybuilder, make sure you are not taking advice frome soneone that isnt, because it won’t be as relevant to you. You need to learn from someone that is also drug free, so the methods you use are most relevant to what you want to achieve.”

What do you guys think about that? Should I listen to say Jeff Rodriguez or Ron harris over Ronnie coleman?

I mean, they all train the same, natural or not. I feel that natural bodybuilders just tend to over analyse things when it comes to the advice they give. [/quote]

While I understand where youre coming from, I will tell you that Assisted BB’ers can train a lot more sets and reps per day than an unassisted BB’er.

I’m not putting anyone down at all by saying this.

I had a friend or 2 who were using, I believe he was running Test and VAR and we started out as somewhat the same level, him a bit higher than mine. And once he started using, I couldn’t keep up with him! in weeks, his numbers shot up like crazy, and he could just go and go for sets far exceeding mine.

[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:

[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
Good video: I hadn’t known of him. While he doesn’t look like much in the clothes – rather Clark Kent-ish – the clips later on show a fine physique.[/quote]

From more head on with the shirt on (the beginning) he doesn’t look very built, but the when they change to more of a side angle (look at 5:30) his chest/shoulders/arms show up.

I have the same sort of phenomenon. At certain angles, I don’t look like much of anything.[/quote]

Most of the Max-OT guys have almost exactly the same weaknesses and strengths… They are usually lacking in shoulder width (Lacour too) and overall thickness in the shoulder girdle (upper chest and delt tie-in, traps, rear delts)… Backwidth is usually also a problem… Small surprise, at 4-6 to failure chances are you’re using more rear delts, arm flexors and really anything but your width musculature… Tried that for quite some time myself, but for some exercises, it’s just not all that useful imo (4-6 to failure x2-3).

But great arms (universally, with maybe a single exception I can think of), front delts etc.

They all follow Max-OT to the letter it seems, i.e. almost exclusively 4-6 reps to failure for low sets once a week for every bodypart… Works well for bis etc, but imo shoulders and traps could use some more frequency/a spec phase (written about that plenty recently) /some higher rep/ lighter work.

Great inspiration though. Little “everyone is on, nothing spectacular can be accomplished without gear” people on here take note.
People who think that curls don’t work for the biceps, take note too.
The max-ot guys perfectly demonstrate how getting extremely strong on your “iso” (Max-OT calls for loose form with good technique) work can get you very big guns even drug-free…

Another max-ot nattie (don’t think he competes?) who is quite impressive:

yeah, low(er) reps than normal on forearms and calves too.

personally I don’t believe that he is 100% pro hormone free. His size is definitely attainable naturally - as well as his conditioning but not at the same time! However if he truly is drug free, that is extremely motivational.