J. Berardi -Your Workout

I was looking through old posts and found one about your workout routine. Sounds really cool. Do you vary your rep range in your mon-wed-fri workouts? I like the idea of a metabolic day. That’s a lot of shoulder work. Do you superset on this day? Thanks.

I vary my programs every 4 weeks (I do 8 weeks of the same “philosophy”, then change again) so when I posted my workout last time I was in a different phase than Im in now. I will tell you what. If there is enough interest on this forum, perhaps we could convince TC or Chris to run an article about wt. training, Berardi-Style.

This john m berardi fellow has surely become one of the more intersting writers (in my opinion) for t-mag. Lets see a work out article berardi-style.

I’d love to find out more about your program(s). Particularly about the comment you made about training like a power lifter, but add cardio to stay lean(I think you mentioned this in a “gang of five” article). I’m doing something similar right now.

ABSOLUTELY let’s see how to do it “Berardi-Style” (Workouts and Cardio, of course!). In all seriousness, my “yes” vote is in for an article. I think that one of the most valuble parts of “T-Mag” and “The Forum” is all the “real world” advice.

Big John Stud, what’s up? Hey, I’d like to see your workout program Berardi-style too! Maybe it will fit in with what I’m doing now (low reps, heavier weights). I know my boy Timbo has used your Metabolic day, and he loves it! And I’ve taken your advice and am doing 20-30 minutes of cardio immediately following my weight training workout (Mon, Wed, Fri). I want to get leaner and keep gaining strength and any muscle that wants to come along for the ride! :slight_smile:

Another vote for a column by John on his workout.

Hell ya. I’d love to see it.

YES!!! I was planning on posting my own message asking about your training. I would definitly be interested. I really value your advice. Today I tried using diluted gatorade during training and it worked great. Thanks!

Which hole do I punch on this dang card? Hmmm… Yes, I would like to see the Mad Scientist’s workout.

This is a superb idea, and I second all you guys. I’m doing a specialized program right now, training for a strongman contest at the end of June, but after that I’d like to get on John M’s program myself, 'cause I’ll be working out with him again in October in Vegas and need to be ready! He’s a terror in the gym, boys.

I guess I’m interested too, but with this much excitement and buzz about it, it better include naked ski-bunny presses (the ski bunnies are naked, not Berardi you sick fu*&ers) and reps with some nice, firm, round, perky, supple, voluptuous, and tanned kettleballs or kettlebells or whatever the evil russian call’s em!


For anyone wondering, the Massive Eating Diet is kick ass! My muscle gains to fat gains are the best ever. I put my vote in for a Berardi workout. I want to know what this guy knows!

If allowed, i will raise all my 10 fingers so i have 10 vote for Mr. Berardi’s article.
The Massive eating is awesome. It’s based on science which has reasons behind it.
I guess Mr. Berardi should write about nutrition and workout in 2 different articles. What about massive eating version for fat loss or something like that.

A Berardi workout article gets my vote as well!!

I would love to see Mr JB’s workout, and two thumbs up from me on the Massive Eating Diet, works great for me too.

Keep up the good work JB

I´d be interested to see how he trains.

Print the article!

Berardi, give us the goods.