Is Becoming Mr. Olympia Worth It?

Is it worth it to chase this goal? Can it be done while having a full-time job / social life?

Put the forum down and go pick up something heavier.


I’m gonna answer all your questions because I feel you are not trolling but rather lost and naive (no offense).

Watch some of the documentaries and you’ll know the answer. Kai Green did a good one a few years back. But I would basically say “no”. However many people have a quite successful stage presence, albeit not the Olympia stage, with jobs and social life’s. Tagging you @RT_Nomad


You are playing “health chicken” with someone who may or may not have better genetics than you, by taking a ridiculous amount of steroids, hoping that if you take enough of them - you will be a little bit prettier than the dude next to you (all while the other dude is doing exactly the same thing).

In front of judges who have a history of being biased.

For a prize purse of like $400k to be the literal most genetically gifted person in the world.

No. Quit your job and fire all your friends.

I have a difficult time deciding if this is a serious question. Five men have won more that 5 Olympias. This is some rarified air. This is genetics in the area of 6 sigma from the mean! You’d have better odds drawing a royal straight flush in spades than winning the Olympia.

Okay. Chase the goal if you want. But don’t sacrifice any life experience or opportunity that you may regret later in life.

The OP has yet to post a pic. For all I know he has pitiful genetics for bodybuilding. How can I advise any life decisions to an arbitrary person.

How old is the OP? Seems like a question from a 10 or 11 year old.

Just speaking for myself, and I had pretty good genetics, but I never dreamed it possible that I would even become good enough to compete with amateur bodybuilders on the national level. I knew some people who dropped their job and moved to Venice Beach to workout with the “greats.” They sacrificed all to pursue bodybuilding. I never heard from them again, but I know that they never made it to the top. Bodybuilding is expensive. One thing I knew is that I needed a good paying job to afford to achieve my goals. Many said I put bodybuilding first in my life, but I knew that the only way I could do that was with a dependable income.

I would say that it can’t be done without a full-time job (at least until you get good enough that someone will sponsor you.) I never got that good. But I am not the OP.

Sure, you can have a social life, but it most probably won’t look like the social life you have now. You must eat every 3 hours (bring your food to the social events.) Many times I went to my car in the middle of a social to eat a meal. Just to be social I might “nurse” a (single) beer, until it had reached room temperature well before I finished it, if I finished it. And good luck finding a girl who understands that the gym comes before her. Competitive bodybuilding is a jealous bitch. “She” doesn’t care about your girl friend’s (wife’s) feelings.


I think the most simple and direct answer to this is “If you have to ask, the answer is no.”.


In a venn diagram, the people that have to worry about if it’s worth it and the people who actually have the potential to achieve it never actually intersect.


It was worth it for Arnold.