Inspired Growth surge program

I am 17 6’2" and currently at 215@11% BF, after much deliberation I have decided to give Androsol a go. Before I get a lectured on how I don’t need it because of my raising hormone levels and how dangerous it could be, the positives out-weight the negatives. The quicker I add lean qulitity mass and increase my general strength the quicker I will be able to follow coach Davies protocol and prepare for my first year of college football. Anyway here is the game plan.

Week 1: Massive eating (500 calorie surplus) 15 total sets per workout

Week 2: Massive eating (750 calorie surplus) 20 total sets per workout

Week 3: Androsol Massive eating (1000 calorie surplus) 30 total sets per workout

Week 4: Androsol Massive eating (1000 calorie surplus) 30 total sets per workout

Week 5: Tribex/ vitex Massive eating (750 calorie surplus) 20 total sets per workout

Week 6: Tribex/ vitex Massive eating (500 calorie surplus) 15 total sets per workout

Week 7: Active Rest

I will be eating mostly Clean foods, mostly carbs from oatmeal and pasta and 2 grams of protein per pound. My training will be mostly compound movements following a Ian king influenced split of

Day 1: Horizontal push/pull
Day 2: Deadlifts based
Day 3: Rope work
Day 4: Vertical push/pull
Day 5: Quads
Day 6: Rope work
Day 7: repeat

“roll your way to better abs” and “old school Grip work” will also be followed at separate times from the main workouts.

How does this sound? Is my volume high enough while “on”?

As much as I might disagree with your decision to use supplements so strong before your body is fully mature, I must commend you on your maturity in terms of constructing your workouts. Most guys who are 17 don’t watch their diets at all, and train without any direction whatsoever. As most of us know, failing to plan is planning to fail. So rather than lecture you, I’ll applaud you for rationally considering how to achieve your goals. As far as your plan goes, the split looks good, although you should definitely incorporate at least one day of complete rest. However, 30 sets in a workout is a bit excessive even on Androsol. If you take a look at the Growth Surge Project, it doesn’t even recommend that many sets in a workout for those who are training one time a day on Mag-10. And, you have to consider that Androsol, although effective, is not as anabolic as Mag-10. Plus, don’t you think that it might be hard to come up with 30 sets worth of hip dominant exercises? You can only do so many sets and varieties of the deadlift and leg curl without getting some serious overuse injuries (plus overtraining). Obviously, you could throw in some ancillary work that day, but I still think you’ll be better off keeping even your longest workouts under 25 sets. Also, you didn’t mention any real periodization within your scheme. If you’re looking to play football, strength will be just as important as size. You might want to think about lengthening your plan by a few weeks to incorporate more periodization. For instance, start in the 12-15 rep range, and drop 2-3 rep per week until you’re working near your 1RM. Where the Androsol fits in is your call. As for the diet, oatmeal is great, but I’m not a big fan of pasta, although it’s okay in moderation. You’ll definitely need to include some vegetables and maybe some low-glycemic fruit like apples, blueberries, or oranges. Protein intake looks good. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and getting at least eight hours of sleep each night. Hope this helps. Keep us posted on how it’s going.

thank you Eric for your reply, well I a feeling 30 sets was a little to high so I will take your recommendation and drop it to 25, and I will toss in a extra day of rest if I don’t feel completely recovered. As far as periodization goes I am following Tudor Bompa’s model. Just about to finish up my Anatomical Adaptation phase (10-15 RM) in which the goal was to return to preseason form (went from 205@10% to 215@11% in about 5 weeks, I was 220@13 % going into my football season). So about my 6 week hypertrophy phase I am jumping into a Strength phase where lower body will be Ian King’s limping and the upper body will be mimicking limping also with 4 3 week phase first 4-8RM almost like another hypertrophy phase, then 1,6 principle, followed by 5x5, finishing off with 4,3,2 wave loading. Then the power phase will be mostly Coach Davies, and hopefully that will be about 10-12 weeks. As for dietary intake pasta and oatmeal is just my main source I will take in a lot of fruit and I will try to get more vegetables in me. I start this Thursday and I keep you posted, thank you for your help and for taking the time to type all of that it was quite helpful