Yeah my bad…
There’s two main reasons I prefer a 3-day split over a 4-day split for athletes.
1.) There’s more time for recovery because you always are able to rest a full day between lifting days. Not always a huge deal, but I think it’s important when you’re doing a lot of explosive or max lifting that’s tough on the CNS.
2.) You can do a GPP day that is a little more intense on the extra day you open up.
As for the total body days, I think this is a pretty good way to arrange them:
Total Body Hypertrophy:
-Lower Body, PChain-
Romanian Deadlift
3 x 10
-Upper Body Push-
Standing Barbell Military Press
3 x 10
-Upper Body Pull-
Barbell Bentover Row
3 x 10
-Lower Body, Quad-
Olympic-Style Back Squat
3 x 10
Total Body Strength
-Lower Body PChain-
Box Squats
warmup, 3 x 3
-Upper Body Push-
Close Grip Bench Press
warmup, 3 x 3
-Upper Body Pull-
Weighted Chin Ups
warmup, 3 x 5
-Lower Body Quad-
Front Squats
warmup, 3 x 5
Total Body Power
-Lower Body Dynamic Lift-
Power Cleans/Speed Squats
5 x 3
-Upper Body Dynamic Lift-
Speed Bench/Push Press
5 x 3
-Lower Body Ballistic Lift-
Jump Squats/Lunges
8 x 3
-Upper Body Ballistic Lift-
Med Ball Chest Pass for Distance/Bench Press Throws
8 x 3
Total Body Speed
-Lower Body Ballistic Lift-
Jump Squats/Lunges
8 x 3
-Upper Body Ballistic Lift-
Med Ball Chest Pass for Distance/Bench Press Throws
8 x 3
-Lower Body Plyomteric Lift-
Depth Jumps
5 x 5
-Upper Body Plyometric Lift-
Depth Push-Ups
5 x 5
I think that’s a pretty good overall template. You can also add an extra workout at the end of each to address weakpoints. Isometrics are a good way to do that. Another good way to arrange this in a macrocycle is:
-Functional Hypertrophy Emphasis-
Monday: Repitition (4 x 8)
Wednesday: Strength (5 x 5)
Friday: Repitition (3 x 12)
-Absolute Strength Emphasis-
Monday: Strength (5 x 5)
Wednesday: Hypertrophy (3 x 10)
Friday: Strength (3 x 3)
-Relative Strength Emphasis-
Monday: Strength (5 x 5)
Wednseday: Power (5 x 3)
Friday: Strength (3 x 3)
-Strength-Speed Emphasis-
Monday: Power (3 x 5)
Wednesday: Strength (3 x 3)
Friday: Power (5 x 3)
-Speed-Strength Emphasis-
Monday: Power (3 x 5)
Wednesday: Speed
Friday: Power (5 x 3)
That’s just a few templates I could think of right there. Let me know what you think.