Today I was diagnosed with a weak left rotator cuff. I’ve dislocated it 2 times in the past, and I can purposely sublux it toward the rear anytime I want. For the past few months, it’s gotten worse, where it aches all the time. I can’t even pinpoint the problem, just all over shoulder ache. It’s kinda like when you get sick, and you feel weak all over, but it is localized to my left shoulder.
So because of this:
I just started Westside, and it felt great. Well, I’m fucked now. I’m so down on myself, it’s ridiculous.
Bench has been such an integral part of my program, I don’t know how to schedule a program around it. So I’m going to give it a shot, and I would appreciate ANY AND ALL RECOMMENDATIONS
Monday - Squat and deadlift (if allowed) (alternate 1st exercise weekly), calves, low back, abs
Wednesday - Arms and Shoulders (Raises only), pec-deck or flat flyes (if allowed)
Friday - Upper Back (lats, traps, rhomboids) low back (light), hamstrings (speed), calves, abs
What does everyone think? Please feel free to tear it apart, as I hope you will.
Also, the PT said my low traps/upper rhomboid area wasn’t as developed as compared to the rest of my back. Any good exercises for this area?
Thanks everyone.