After rehabbing both delts to 85%,and 90% L/R, respectively,
I fucked up, and after adding chest back in with some pressing, I went too heavy, +55lbs on deep dips, and put one of my delts back to being too injured to hit bench, dips, even floor flys.
Have been doing very limited ROM flat DB benches, tube flys,(very limited ROM again), and the usual fair of cuff rehab ex. etc, etc, etc.
Damn I’m pissed.
At any rate, after deciding to take these next 2 weeks off of all chest work, and anything that causes any pain in it, I’m just about deflated on deciding wtf to do as far as exercises again.
Initially I had been doing loads of shit, and it worked great. Now that I did this to the left, I had been trying to use the same stuff, and it was no good at all. By this I mean a circuit I had been doing of DB cuban rotations, Band Ex rotation, band pull aparts, band dislocates, band press, 3-4 sets of 15 reps ea.
Did this 3/week.
This stopped working, tapped out so to speak. Like a bonehead, or desperate mofo, you decide, I tried some standard fare, like DB ex rotation, partial upright rows(dumb), front raise, side lateral raise. Now they all felt ok, uprights obviously were not a positive, but not too bad. Watched ROM and kept it pain free.
It felt worse the next day, and is slightly better but still shit. Rear portion of delt, posterior to lateral, dull on/off pain, increased pain at parallel elevation of arm to side, and anything farther back, or up. When benching it hurts clavicle/delt tie when dropping bar down, and it also hurts in that rear/side area on bottom, and back up the movement.
The clavicle/delt area hurts more acutely, and really kicks in more as weight is added, and the back region is more dull and a semi-throbbing deep pain. ROM is def. taking a hit right now. Pendulum swings/circles/figure eights aren’t doing shit.
Anyway, if any of you want to drop a few minutes and offer me any advice please do. I would really appreciate it. I’m trying to rehab myself w/out going to phys therapy. I’ve done it before and have faith but am a little flustered about my next plan of action right now.
Hope this didn’t ramble all over the place too bad.
Thanks guys,