[quote]Am14g08 wrote:
[quote]Simonidas wrote:
[quote]Professor X wrote:
[quote]Simonidas wrote:
[quote]Professor X wrote:
[quote]SuperSonic wrote:
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
[quote]SuperSonic wrote:
Thread is useless without pics.[/quote]
you look like you lift weights. You and Teledin should feel free to post more.
Good work man.[/quote]
Thanks. I don’t post much because people are always bickering. [/quote]
A lot of the bickering is because guys who look like Simon or worse are usually the ones talking the most shit here.[/quote]
and obviously men, you think that you knows everything? But I never saw any reasonable answer other than full frontal attack with everything that comes to your mind, and very often it is simple lying. The truth is I’m about 1,5 year at this page, and I TALK JUST ONCE FOR about MONTH here. I BULK DAILY, without supplementation I gain 17kg of pure mass (I only once used amino acids and whey protein in my life, I don’t have to much money), before I look like a completely shit (and I KNOW there is a long journey before me). And telling me that I have nothing to tell cause I just don’t consider a cheat meals as a reasonable is simple BULL SHITTING.
And yeah, being a genetically lucky man is your most dangerous weapon.
and what SkyNett just said:
'X, in 2001 you looked like a true BB. But after 9 years… everything goes too far I think. I never saw real BB with 9 years of bulking. If you cut this shit out, I will change my mind. But I don’t think you can… And 'X you look for me as a 38 years old man…
And yeah, BIG SORRY FOR my shitty english… I should be more laconic in the future.
You aren’t too bright and not speaking english as a first language has ZERO to do with that. There is at least a 70lbs difference between where I was in 2001 and right now. Like most newbs, you can’t tell progress on a lifter unless they are dieted down. I am not sure how anyone can think I gained 70lbs and made no significant progress or did it wrong.
I never heard of 9 years bulk, and exactly - “UNLESS THEY ARE DIETED DOWN” - I just hope that you’re not like most fat asses and you WILL cut down your weight. Cause I know a lot of people that stayed fat way toooo long. And that’s not healthy place for them. They never cut down. But that’s not the reason why I wrote…
Like I said, you’re genetically very gifted person, and that have nothing to do with eating crap or not. On all type of bodybuilding foods you will be bigger than most people here. And I’m simple afraid of people eating cakes,cheat meals as a comparison to you. You never told someone that he should eat a “rice and chicken” at first place, even when he looked overweighted from very beginning. Is much healthier to make muscles gains and stay in shape in the same time, and it looks way better (in my opinion)… unless you’re PRO or smth, and I don’t see them here right now.
I see people like H4M, DaVicni, Waylandah, Stu etc. who don’t say in every fucking post that you should eat a crap, and they look way better than you. I can see them daily here, I see their progress bright and it keep motivating me. They do eat crap food from time time, but that’s definitely not a religion for them. [/quote]
Jeez man… You have quite clearly proved that just like the average joe, you can clearly not see the distinction between a big person with a lot of mass, and a ripped person with a lot of mass. Or any combo in between.
Naturally those guys like stu/wy/dav/h4m are no doubt doing a great job… but the only yardstick you seem able to judge someone by is leanness…
I saw some lee priest offseason pics whilst I was browsing older threads on this site.
Would http://www.dailymuscle.com/images/lee_priest_bulkup.jpg
would he simply be a “fat fuck” to you… obviously it is hard for the untrained eye, but even I with my simple two months of knowledge I can see that he is not simply a “fat fuck” Who’d have guessed that THAT
turns into
At the same time though I agree that it is HARD to gauge just how much lean mass someone would hold if they did diet. I’d guess that in the same way genetics are different, this would extend to how people hold water, fat distribution, how they lose fat, and what they look like at different BF%'s
Regardless having just checked X’s profile, he would be far far far bigger than me you, or the majority of posters here if he did diet down. In THIS instance it is obvious and beyond doubt.
I’ve only been reading this shit for a couple of months, and these things seem blatantly obvious to me. I don’t see how even a language barrier can prevent someone from seeing whether someone is a “big” guy or a “fat guy” or whichever point in between.
you look like a PL to me, but you’re still eating chocolate cakes and only few people here told you that you will look way healthier when you will eat clean. You’re naturally strong and maybe have a good genetics (if all 2 months thread is true) I bet you don’t need to all this crap. But still, people like 'X should tell this to you not me…