Winter is almost upon us, so I’m getting ready for a good bulk. I’ve been back in the gym for half a year after a 3 year hiatus and have made some decent gains, but I know I’m still small.
What would you recommend I do, I know (smart) dirty bulking will give me more muscle gains, but is it worth it for someone who can eat relatively well clean? Would the benefits outweigh the cost of me getting a fat head (it’s my curse)? I don’t care about eating boring food, I just get it down. I go to the gym 3 times a week for around 1 hour, intending on upping this if I get time.
Current stats:
67kg-73kg target weight for next summer is 70+kg at around 10%
Current diet:
Morning: 8am
protein shake with milk and 2 raw eggs
lunch: 12:10
School lunch buffet (I’m a teacher)
Unlimited rice available - usually eat around a cup full
Unlimited veg available - one cup
Mystery protein meal - if It’s lean, I eat a until full, if it’s crap I eat cautiously
snack: 5pm
protein shake with milk and 2 raw eggs
chicken breast/tuna/pork loin
3 large chicken breasts
Mixed veg - 2 cups
Bonus round - I drink around 2 liters of milk a day because I love it. I eat a lot of condiments with my chicken (mayo usually), and also bread sometimes and I eat out a lot, but usually eat tons of lean protein sources when I do. I drink quite a bit of coffee without sugar.
Any glaring issues? I know mayo is my vice.
I’ve gained weight and unintentionally developed abs, so I fell my diet has been going pretty well.