I need some videos or clips of people correctly doing some of the more “esoteric” lifts. Mostly Olympic and Power lifts. I’d love to know how to power clean or even deadlift properly (I think I do that one right). There’s noone to ask at my gym as they are all wedge-shaped 80’s bodybuilders (even the baggy pants). Help me out with some links or even to purchase some vids. Thanks.
damnit, there is some college website that has them, i used to have the link before my comp crashed.
Check out Staley’s article on the snatch. If I’m correct the second installment will be posted soon. As for the videos check the responses to the article: someone posted a link to a few short clips of oly lifts. If you’d like another link or two, I have some good clips, but I would first read the t-nation articles.
See if this helps out any:
If you have the money, Ian King has videos and now even some DVDs covering most of the major lifts (including some Olympic ones). I have his bench, squat, and deadlift videos and highly recommend them. They are not cheap, but the info. is excellent.
Damn Dave, that site ROCKS for vids!
Queensland weightlifting has some good vids. www.QWA.org
Thank you everyone, and especially thanks to Scroller who linked me to some excellent videos. Now, to add OL’s and powerlifting to my regime.