This is not the first time I have posted about my inability to squat do to a twinge in my left groin area in the bottom of a deep squat. I have took much time off from squatting and have tried progressively squatting more and more weight but the pain only becomes worse as the poundage goes up. I stretch and warm up religiously and still am inable to squat over 150 lbs. My PB is 242 and that was 6 months ago, right before I started to experience the pain. The ONLY time I feel this pain is in a low bar back squat; the high bar back squats actually cause a little less pain but they still cause that twinge. I asked Ian King when i went to the swiss in september and the only thing he said was to go see an ART specialist in Toronto, which is not possible for me financially or because of where I live. I can deadlift, front squat, lunge and leg press with no pain and yet I still don’t feel i’m getting the leg development I could if I could squat. Please give me advice or tell me any experiences anyone has had with similar problems.