hi guys, ive been experiencing a really sharp stabbing like pain in my left hips when i squat deep. ive just recently started squatting atg (around2-3 months ago), and am currently running starting strength which requries me to squat 3 times a week.
the pain is most prominent in the concentric part of the movement, when im about to push out of the hole. and sometimes it might even cause me to lean to one side due to the pain. however, there is no pain in regular bodyweight squats, just when there is an enough load on my back, the stabbing pain comes.
heres a video of my squats if you need to check the form
i’ve tried almost everything, doing defranco’s limber 11 before squatting, doing glute exercises before squatting, not stretching hip flexors before squatting, stretching hip flexors before squatting, feet wider apart, feet closer in, feet pointed out more but its still hurting when i squat a heavy enough weight and when i squat low.
so i decided to search on possible causes of the hip pain, and there seems to be so many that im not even sure which i am experiencing. im not really sure whether its hip flexor pain, anterior femoral glide, hip impingement or whatever. but i try to do this test on myself and there was a deep sharp pain when i try to do internal rotation of my left hip. something like this.
i realised this is a hip impingement test, but ive read up online and it stated that people with hip impingement have this since birth, but i’ve only recently started feeling this pain when i squat deep, never before when i play soccer, run track, or play rugby.
is there any way to remedy this situation? i’m trying to lay off squats for awhile now, but still doing starting strength cause i like how simple it is. currently im replacing squats with leg extensions, hamstring curls and leg presses which dont cause any pain to my hips at all. i’ve also included glute exercises to strengthen my glutes further.
i really wanna start squatting again and i would really appreciate whatever help you guys could offer me!