HRX Success Stories?

So I’ve spent some time over at the HOT-ROX Extreme thread (all 30 pages or so) and though it is filled with some pretty interesting questions and commentary, I am hard pressed to find anyone discussing how effective/ineffective the product is.

Now that it has been out for 9 months or so, I’d imagine there are users out there with stories to share.

I’m thinking about getting a bottle. I’m currently 6’2", 218lbs and was recently measured at 11.1% bodyfat. As a FFB I’ve made it my goal to get under 10% BF and have seemed to have plateaued in my quest.

I’ve got everything dialed in as best I know how (good, clean eating around 3000 k/cals a day) 4 day weight training (I split upper and lower body) and 3-4 days a week of HIT sessions.

So I’m looking for something to help me get over the hump and drop about 4-6 lbs of fat off my frame. As most guys, I seem to carry it on my lower abs/lower back and Biotest claims that HRX can actually target fat in these areas (or at least it did on the middle age women they tested).

OK, sorry to get long winded. Has anyone used the stuff and really had it do the job? Has anyone given it a good chance and saw nothing? Share your experiences here.


I used it during the V-diet and for the month after. Hard to say if the HOT-ROX helped during the VD, but I would say it has for the after period. I’ve lost 7 more lbs without much effort.

Also, gained strength during the VD, HRX may have had soemthing to do with that.

If you do buy it, use it wisely…follow a diet and if nothing else, it may help with keeping lean mass.

I like very few supplements, but I think HRX is something I’ll use again.

Thanks for the reply, IL. Wasn’t sure if anyone was going to be willing to respond.

I actually bought a bottle at a local store yesterday and started taking them. I’m considering “formally” tracking my own progress for everyone’s benefit here (instead of asking for others stories, I’ll tell my own). I don’t have access to any body fat measurers (is that a word?) on a consistent basis, so I am thinking of taking photos every two weeks and seeing if there is any visual progress by the end of two months. I realize this is not the most scientific or exacting method, but simply tracking the aesthetic benefits could be fun and interesting. As I mentioned, I’m fairly lean now, but as a FFB it would be interesting to see if it can help me acheive that elusive level of leanness that I have never been able to acheive before.

BTW, for those interested in taking the product, don’t get too put off by the “Strong stimulant” warning. Maybe if you are predisposed to strong side-effects from stimulants this could be a problem from you, but with the exception of a little warm tingling in my extermeties (hands and thighs), I don’t feel much different.

[quote]tdrink wrote:
Thanks for the reply, IL. Wasn’t sure if anyone was going to be willing to respond.

I actually bought a bottle at a local store yesterday and started taking them. I’m considering “formally” tracking my own progress for everyone’s benefit here (instead of asking for others stories, I’ll tell my own). I don’t have access to any body fat measurers (is that a word?) on a consistent basis, so I am thinking of taking photos every two weeks and seeing if there is any visual progress by the end of two months. I realize this is not the most scientific or exacting method, but simply tracking the aesthetic benefits could be fun and interesting. As I mentioned, I’m fairly lean now, but as a FFB it would be interesting to see if it can help me acheive that elusive level of leanness that I have never been able to acheive before.

BTW, for those interested in taking the product, don’t get too put off by the “Strong stimulant” warning. Maybe if you are predisposed to strong side-effects from stimulants this could be a problem from you, but with the exception of a little warm tingling in my extermeties (hands and thighs), I don’t feel much different.


I would be very interested in seeing your story :slight_smile:

I’d say I’m a borderline FFB, used to weigh 244lbs or so, but I’m at 204 now, also having gained a fair bit of muscle imo, not really lean, but looking to get rid of the last stubborn fat… mainly to prove to myself that it’s possible… and well, planning on giving HRX a shot this spring :slight_smile:

I will really like to see some actaul personal success stories using this product.

For me I’m cutting for my comp in april and I’m using HOT-ROX in conjunction with a strict diet. I have lost 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks, but I have to say I really think it was just cleaning the shit out of my diet.

I like the fact that my mood tends to be better when taking it and the Carbolin 19 will help me retain muscle when cutting. But I also feel that BCAA’s do just as good as a job as Carbolin 19.

Now I just started using it and plan to be on it for 12 weeks. So I will be able to give a better review. Though I’m also taking BCAA, Methoxy-7, Surge, TRIBEX, Flameout, ZMA too. So how much I can attribute to HOT-ROX would probably be tough to pinpoint.

I will say this, I have found very little posts on people saying they are in love with this product. Lets face it, nothing is going to beat the old ephridine and caffiene fat-burners. Those you actually did feel working. Problem was I didn’t need them when they where out, I was already a skinny bastard.

The only real feeling I get from HOT-ROX is a slightly nauseous feeling when I have them in the morning. But that tends to go away pretty quick.

I’m currently taking HRX and Rez-V stack. I haven’t changed calories and and slowly leaning out. Consider it a cut without the cut. My weight has stayed the same but there is definitely noticeable fat loss.

One thing for me is that I only take 2 HRX in the morning and nothing after that. Gives me a case of insomnia. If I take one in the afternoon I have a hard time sleeping.

My main concern is to maintain my current weight while leaning. Thats being accomplished with the current stack (175lbs at 5’7"). My body weight has fluctuated at the same weight (3lbs up/ 3lbs down) since I started taking the stack a few weeks ago.

I wish I could take the HRX at full dosage but it really does affect my sleep.

One thing I have to say about HRX is that you don’t hear a lot of people (none really) complain that it doesn’t “work”.

That should tell you something.

I used it last July/August for 4 weeks. I found it good in terms of energy & mood while on a hefty caloric defecit. I did lose alot of weight (about 25lbs) but I’ve dieted successfully before without fat-burners and I found that the rate of fat-loss wasn’t particularly more than I was expecting. It did take will-power out of the equation pretty much which was nice.

The before/after pics are in my profile btw.

@PGA, if a supplement is making it hard for you to sleep, look into getting GABA and taking a few grams before you go to bed - it knocks me out like a light.

@the OP, how long have you been dieting now? You may be better off maintaining and building up for a while, upping your calories slowly to build your metabolism up a bit. Dropping bodyfat tends to be easier when approached for the second, third or successive times - like some kind of fat-loss memory or something.

[quote]t-ha wrote:
I used it last July/August for 4 weeks. I found it good in terms of energy & mood while on a hefty caloric defecit. I did lose alot of weight (about 25lbs) but I’ve dieted successfully before without fat-burners and I found that the rate of fat-loss wasn’t particularly more than I was expecting. It did take will-power out of the equation pretty much which was nice.

The before/after pics are in my profile btw.

@PGA, if a supplement is making it hard for you to sleep, look into getting GABA and taking a few grams before you go to bed - it knocks me out like a light.

@the OP, how long have you been dieting now? You may be better off maintaining and building up for a while, upping your calories slowly to build your metabolism up a bit. Dropping bodyfat tends to be easier when approached for the second, third or successive times - like some kind of fat-loss memory or something.[/quote]

I really don’t look at is as “dieting”. Here is a quick rundown of my situation.

Was always a big “husky” kid. But was always athletic throughout childhood/high school so I was never obese by any means.

I probably topped out at 265 by the time I graduated college, and not a good 265.

Worked out on and off through my early twenties since I wasn’t playing sports but never really got into it. I wasn’t the fat guy walking down the street by any means, but I wasn’t in great shape either.

When I got engaged I decided to go on a “diet” and run/do cardio to get in shape for my wedding. In 5 months I went from 250 to 204, but I was definitely skinny-fat. I weighed a lot less but my body comp certainly was not good. I only concerned myself with the scale and that was how I measured my success.

4 years of marriage and I had ballooned back up to about 240. It was the day before Valentines day in 2005 and before dinner I went with my wife to by some pants. As I was struggling to get into size 38s, I decided something had to be done and I had to do it right.

So I started eating better and took a much more effective approach to fitness. I combined some cardio, weight training and boxing training for an overall attack on changing my body. In a year, I was looking good.

Last April I visited a nutritionist who gave me some advice and gave me a benchmark of numbers to gauge my progress from that would be much more effective than scale weight. I also found T-Nation and got much more serious about my workouts, especially my resistance training.

So, last April I weighed in at 196, 13.5% bf.

As I said, I got more serious about my diet and training and started taking suppliments to aid in my progress.

As of the end of the year I weighed in at 218, 11.1% bf.

So, essentially, I am currently in the best shape of my life. My diet is pretty dialed in and I had managed to eat enough above maintanence to put on some muscle and not increase fat.

So now I am trying to go one more step forward. Get myself under 10% bf while maintaining a weight of around 220lbs.

Problem is, as with a lot of guys, I just have this ridge of fat around 2" wide that goes from my lower abs to my love handles and it’s stubborn as hell. I have pretty good ab definition starting about my belly button (maybe a 4 pack, plus those two little bulges right under the rib cage) as well as decent overall size and definition (not huge, but that’s not what I’m going for).

So, I’m not sure how to “diet” to get any leaner as I am eating a fairly low amount of calories and I eat really clean. I don’t want to drop too far and lose lean mass and I don’t want to kill my metabolism. I just started adding more HIT (3-4 times a week) in an effort to be more of a fat burner and am hoping the HRX will help me make it happen.

I will try to take some “before” pictures tonight and continue this as sort of a “blog”. Not a day to day thing, but maybe do 2 week interval updates and we can all determine if it is working.

If anyone has any suggestion on what I should do diet or exercise-wise in conjuction with this experiment, I’m willing to listen.

That HIIT should do the trick.

Record a food log. You will be suprised what you find out about your nutrition.

Yeah, I’ve been doing HIIT more religiously for about 3-4 weeks and it’s made a difference. I’m actually looking to coin the phrase “sprinterval training” as that is exactly what I am doing and it’s cheesy enough to be a fitness industry term.

I’ve kept a food log before when I went to the nutritionist. I hear what you are saying about the benefit. I couldn’t tell you if my diet is the “ideal” for fat loss, but I am hyper-aware of what I eat on a daily basis.

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
One thing I have to say about HRX is that you don’t hear a lot of people (none really) complain that it doesn’t “work”.

That should tell you something.[/quote]

I don’t think it’s done anything for me. I’ve used it during two separate cutting diets and don’t think it did anything magical aside from my nutritional changes… I don’t really believe that many supplements make an amazing difference. I don’t think it’s worth it.

[quote]JKThreeEleven17 wrote:
I don’t think it’s done anything for me. I’ve used it during two separate cutting diets and don’t think it did anything magical aside from my nutritional changes… I don’t really believe that many supplements make an amazing difference. I don’t think it’s worth it.[/quote]

It’s no wonder you were dissappointed if you expected a supplement to have “magical” effects. Most effective supplements have subtle effects. They aren’t going to transform your physique on their own, but they can work in your favor. In my experience, HRX fits this description.

It’s not a supplement that going to cause fat loss if you aren’t already eating effectively to lose fat. I’ve not encountered any product that will do this. However, I do lose fat at a noticable faster rate when using HRX than with the other products I’ve used.

[quote]ChrisKing wrote:
JKThreeEleven17 wrote:
I don’t think it’s done anything for me. I’ve used it during two separate cutting diets and don’t think it did anything magical aside from my nutritional changes… I don’t really believe that many supplements make an amazing difference. I don’t think it’s worth it.

It’s no wonder you were dissappointed if you expected a supplement to have “magical” effects. Most effective supplements have subtle effects. They aren’t going to transform your physique on their own, but they can work in your favor. In my experience, HRX fits this description.

It’s not a supplement that going to cause fat loss if you aren’t already eating effectively to lose fat. I’ve not encountered any product that will do this. However, I do lose fat at a noticable faster rate when using HRX than with the other products I’ve used.[/quote]

Totally hear what you are saying… but its hard not to fall into the advertizing trap of fat-loss supplements. Lets face it, even Biotest claims big results from their products. So if you read this site you expect to see those great results because of faith you have in Biotest.

[quote]JKThreeEleven17 wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
One thing I have to say about HRX is that you don’t hear a lot of people (none really) complain that it doesn’t “work”.

That should tell you something.

I don’t think it’s done anything for me. I’ve used it during two separate cutting diets and don’t think it did anything magical aside from my nutritional changes… I don’t really believe that many supplements make an amazing difference. I don’t think it’s worth it.[/quote]

Dude, STFU. What did you expect? The fat to melt off of you? You go through a bag of “chips” a day and you expect HRX to be a miracle drug. I’m ordering you Lipozene right now.

[quote]five-twelve wrote:
I will really like to see some actaul personal success stories using this product. [/quote]

It’s not a magic pill. No one is going to say, “I was fat until I found HOT-ROX. Now I’m thin.” It’s a supplement that, along with diet and exercise, is an effective thermogenic.

I’ve only tried two fatburners (3 if you count HOT-ROX and HRX seperately)

The first was from another company it worked well, I lost 15lbs in 3weeks but at that time I hit my caffiene tolerance limit and had bad nausea. I stopped taking it and the weight came back, the same wieght in the same time maybe faster.

However when I first took HOT-ROX i was able to take the full dose without nausea and after I finished the bottle the wieght (12lb)was staying off the next couple of weeks. So while the other worked great short term, HRX worked better long term.

THinking about this brings up a question, can I take caffiene with HRX to get equal the speed of other products, or something else to really crank up fat loss short term?

[quote]tdrink wrote:
Problem is, as with a lot of guys, I just have this ridge of fat around 2" wide that goes from my lower abs to my love handles and it’s stubborn as hell. I have pretty good ab definition starting about my belly button (maybe a 4 pack, plus those two little bulges right under the rib cage) as well as decent overall size and definition (not huge, but that’s not what I’m going for).
Tdrink, the Yohimbine is a good choice then, but you’ld have more noticeable results if you combined a fat-burner like HOT-ROX with a higher dose of Yohimbine applied topically. Rub it on on days when you’re using a caloric defecit or planning on doing cardio.

I have kept detailed logs and can say without any hesitation that it works and works well. Using the exact same diet and exercise routine, the fat loss was 2x using HRX as opposed to using another product.

[quote]RedElephant14 wrote:
I have kept detailed logs and can say without any hesitation that it works and works well. Using the exact same diet and exercise routine, the fat loss was 2x using HRX as opposed to using another product.[/quote]

Wow, I’d like to hear more about this. What methods did you use to determine the effectiveness? At what bf% did you start at and where did you finish? And how long did you use the product for? Any details would be appreciated.

I am already one day behind on “Project HRX” as I went to take pictures last night only to find the battery in my camera was dead. So I am hoping to take some tonight and have them posted by Friday. Today is day 2 and so far I don’t have any of the side effects that some others have had. I did find that I brought a bit more intensity to my workout last night, but it’s hard to say if that is because of the HRX or if I am reenergized by the fact that I am starting this experiment and taking a suppliment that I hope will help me.

Stay tuned.