I just finished a 10 day cycle with mag-10 and was wondering what the best route would be to keep my gains, minimize any loss. I am still keeping the same number of calories and as far as working out, I will be decreasing the intensity. Is there more to it?
He’s talking about his article, “Ripped, Rugged, and Dense.” Training with 85% or more of your 1RM is the best way to ensure that you hold onto your gains. As such, 5x5 or any comparable strength protocol would be the way to go. Be sure to take volume down while keeping calories up (although not at “on” levels). Fat intake should increase to support endogenous T-levels. Good luck!
Bill Roberts (inventer of MAG-10) says to train heavy after a cycle of MAG or steroids to help retain gains. Volume, meaning the number of sets per workout, should be reduced afterwards, but stay heavy for a while. And don’t forget to eat extra protein to support the new muscle! Remember, your metabolism changes the more muscle you add. You have to eat to reflect that!