First of all, I’m going to be seen by a doctor, but I’m just curious to know what people here may think.
I was deadlifting on Wednesday, and wasn’t using near my max. I did 2 sets of 3, 2 sets of 4, and 2 sets of 5 reps. Starting with the heaviest weight and going down from there on the longer sets. I used 405 lbs for the sets of 3. My previous PR is 505 lbs.
I didn’t feel any kind of problem or pain during the lifting, and after the DLing I went onto incline presses and then pull ups. I called it quits after that…
The next morning, I felt alright and went to classes as usual. I had to work for 3 hours after class, and stood the whole time. By the end of the 3 hours, I felt a kind of upset stomach/burning feeling in the area right above the belly-button. I just thought it was because I hadn’t eaten too much except for breakfast at 9:15 AM and then a protein shake and an Apple at 1:00. It was now 2 and i figured i just might be hungry.
I went home, ate something, then felt sick enough to go lay down.
I have had this pain before, and thought it might have been appendicitis, but then I eventually throw up and feel a lot better.
The same thing happened this time. I was reeling in pain for about 2 hours, thinking I was finally going to have to just get my ass to the hospital and deal with whatever the diagnosis is. But then I threw up and felt relieved and the pain vanished.
This has happened to me 2 times before, all in the past year, but also very spread out from each other.
Would I know if I had a hernia? I mean, if I take a deep breath in, I feel some soreness. However, my core gets sore whenever I deadlift or squat.
When I cough, I also feel sore. I don’t have any “bulges” or something that crazy.
So basically I’m hoping that I had food poisoning and not a hernia. Maybe I’m just trying to deny that it is a hernia, but who would want a freaking hernia?
And my question is: if i do have a hernia, what is a good way to rehab from that and how can I go about safely deadlifting again after having had one?
My form is good. I have a few of the other battle hardened powerlifters watch me to make sure I’m not rounding over or doing something wrong. I pulled 505 without issue and felt no pain from that. I just can’t remember a moment while lifting where I went, “OH SHIT, I JUST GOT A HERNIA.”