Back on February 19, I suffered an injury to my lower left abdominal region. It’s just inside of my hip bone/inquinal ligament, below my naval. I was taking a law enforcement phys test. Right after the 1.5 mile run, i noticed a twinge in the area i described. When the test was over, adrenaline wore off, pain was more intense. Noticing something was immediately wrong, I went to my normal ortho.
He diagnosed it as a sprain/strain of my hip/abs/groin. Prescribed me 4 weeks PT. I went to the PT. They stretched me out. They determined my hips were strong. Afterwards, I still wasn’t satisfied. Normal day to day activities, I am fine. However, if i go to run/sprint, I get a pulling sensation/burn in the area.
If I do a lunge; left leg back, right forward, I have pain in my lower left abdominal as I stretch down. No pain with coughing, bathroom movements, etc. Minor pain while squatting, more pain while leg press.
So far I’ve been to/taken:
-Normal Ortho
-Internal Medicine Specialist for a major NFL team.
-Had MRI of Pelvis and Lower Abdomen. Lower abdomen one was f’d up
-Went to see hip specialist
-Underwent fluoroscopic injection of hip last Thurs. Did nothing for pain in this area.
Worst part of this all…I was slated to become a police officer. Now I don’t know what I am going to do.
I’ve been doing home PT. Adduction, abduction, stretches, lateral lunges. I’ve gotten to the point where I can jog/light run. However, sprinting…immediate pain.
These injuries take a long time to heal. I noticed similar symptoms last year in September. I tried to work through it but had to stop around Thanksgiving. I stopped all ‘loaded’ lower-body training and didn’t resume until February. After a VERY gradual re-introduction I am close to resumimg my normal training. Slow and steady.
I have a question about what you’re experiencing with this, because I wonder if I’m suffering a similar issue. Right down in my lower abdomen, almost deep down behind the iliac crest, I have an intense tenderness when applying any sort of pressure; I also get the sensation that I am unable to forcefully ‘brace’ my abs to hold my core steady and keep it tight (think forcing the belly out, not hollowing.) This is most noticeable when going deep into squats, deadlifting, and planking- it just feels that I can’t get my abs to contract. I’m unsure of any particular incident when I may have damaged something, but would wonder if I perhaps overstretched something (hip flexor/lower abdominal) during a warm-up with lunges… Does any of that sound similar to anything you’re dealing with?
[quote]watermelon_2001 wrote:
I have a question about what you’re experiencing with this, because I wonder if I’m suffering a similar issue. Right down in my lower abdomen, almost deep down behind the iliac crest, I have an intense tenderness when applying any sort of pressure; I also get the sensation that I am unable to forcefully ‘brace’ my abs to hold my core steady and keep it tight (think forcing the belly out, not hollowing.) This is most noticeable when going deep into squats, deadlifting, and planking- it just feels that I can’t get my abs to contract. I’m unsure of any particular incident when I may have damaged something, but would wonder if I perhaps overstretched something (hip flexor/lower abdominal) during a warm-up with lunges… Does any of that sound similar to anything you’re dealing with?[/quote]
My ‘tenderness’ was much lower. I do believe that lunges aggrivated/contributed to my situation.
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
These injuries take a long time to heal. I noticed similar symptoms last year in September. I tried to work through it but had to stop around Thanksgiving. I stopped all ‘loaded’ lower-body training and didn’t resume until February. After a VERY gradual re-introduction I am close to resumimg my normal training. Slow and steady. [/quote]
Yeah this is by far the worst injury i’ve had to deal with so far. The problem with the injury is that it doesn’t exhibit the classic hernia symptoms. I can tense my abs, no pain on sneezing/coughing, no pain with situps (minor discomfort). Deadlifts are the one exercise i cannot do. Squats/leg press can be done light. The real pain comes with faster running/sprint.
It’s so strange. I want to say its getting better but I don’t know if it is?
[quote]watermelon_2001 wrote:
I have a question about what you’re experiencing with this, because I wonder if I’m suffering a similar issue. Right down in my lower abdomen, almost deep down behind the iliac crest, I have an intense tenderness when applying any sort of pressure; I also get the sensation that I am unable to forcefully ‘brace’ my abs to hold my core steady and keep it tight (think forcing the belly out, not hollowing.) This is most noticeable when going deep into squats, deadlifting, and planking- it just feels that I can’t get my abs to contract. I’m unsure of any particular incident when I may have damaged something, but would wonder if I perhaps overstretched something (hip flexor/lower abdominal) during a warm-up with lunges… Does any of that sound similar to anything you’re dealing with?[/quote]
If you have spot tenderness I would see a doctor ASAP. That could be a regular hernia. I am unable to find any area that causes pain with palpation.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I have been suffering from similar symptoms for a few months and am curious as to whether you were able to fully recover?
[quote]s3380734 wrote:
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I have been suffering from similar symptoms for a few months and am curious as to whether you were able to fully recover?[/quote]
Going trough the same thing, any info/advice would be great!
I’ve been diagnosed by surgeon as having a sport’s hernia & am into my 3d week w/o any working out. I asked if it would heal (facial tissue inguinal left) & he told me that it would if given “proper” rest in about 4-6 weeks. I’m actually in the same boat & wondering about this thing fully healing myself? I’ve done online research & found that most pro & collegiate athlete’s would have surgery done (this where I’m lost). I’ve read about recovering from such surgeries & that they take about the same amount of time to recover , before lightly resuming training & activities.
I 1st noticed this while bathing & could feel the swollen area. At this point I’m not sure whether the swelling (healing process) is going down much, if at all. The most strenuous activity during this period is simply walking behind a self-propelled mower & walking up steps (supposed to be one step at a time, but when coming back down (wtf?) . I’ve reduced my caloric intake to coincide with reduced activity, but keep roughage high & plenty of plain yogurt so as not to worry about straining w/bm.
I also asked the surgeon if it was ok to work the upper part of my body during this period & said yes , but only for toning purposes!? Hell, I want this thing to heal! So, if sneezing or coughing can produce a hernia (laughing even!?) I’m sure as heck not going to do anything that causes heavy diaphragm pressure (in other words, working out) until I don’t “feel” this thing anymore.
BTW, the mesh I was talking to the surgeon about, said that it would be painful while working out with for a few years (5 star surgeon all the way & my GP said he’d have him operating on him in a heartbeat if needed).
Anyone else have have the misfortune of a sport’s hernia? Would love to hear feedback.