Help with Pec Injury

I was benching 325 and felt a tear in my left pec not sure what it is for sure…any suggestions on how to lift with this

[quote]Brotha123 wrote:
I was benching 325 and felt a tear in my left pec not sure what it is for sure…any suggestions on how to lift with this[/quote]

Did you have any swelling, bruising, or disfigurement?

It could be a strain but either way I would lay off of the bench press for a while. You may want to start pressing with a bit more narrow grip and also perhaps try benching with a false grip (Dave Tate has said that this takes some of the pressure off of the pecs).

For rehab the best thing that you can do is rest. Rest, ice, light training, and stretching should have you back to 100% within a few weeks.