Hi all,
This is my workout, I have time and eat to compensate. I wiegh 200lbs about 90kg, im 6ft 2. I do a 6 day split and get constant comments from people saying i over do it, but i think the way i do it is acceptable a I have read lots of forums with people treating a 6 day split like high volume 3 day split. I work every part oof my body in a week with ease, I might spend 30 minutes max in the gym, that’s about 3 hours per week. I also break down muscles that work together as per below, I dont train shoulders twice a week I just train the parts that work with the corresponding muscle in that movement. if you train shoulders I think splitting up the muscle to work with the other part of another muscle makes perfect sense. figuring it out was a bitch but I enjoy it.
e.g. Chest, Front shoulder and Triceps
Chest has three parts too so the lower part, BB Dec, the middle Flat BB, the top part I do Inc DB Fly and a second for middle chest DB Press, Dips also work triceps and are good for getting that horse shoe effect then I use seated OH EXT for good form, Front Shoulder is simply front raises. that equals 7 exercises 21 sets 6-8 reps for all except triceps 10-12
Biceps get a day with forearms as I have found this works well to build up strength and size, I work them 10 x 10 first 5 sets are warms ups then i gradually add weight on a machine curler, hammer curls and wrist curls then I focus on grip on the way home with grippers
My workout:
Chest/ Front shoulders/ Triceps
Biceps and Forearms and grip
Side delt/ Rear Delt, upper back
lats/ middle back/ obliques
Lower back/ Hamstrings/ Upper Abs
Glutes/ Quads/ Lower Abs
calves everyday I can be asked but at least twice a week.
Cardio: Stepper 3 x a week 20 minutes = 1000 cals burned, enough with a 6 day split
Goals: Strength and Loose Body fat then in 6 weeks from now I bulk again currently I eat 2,600 cals, 45 Pro, 30 carbs 25 fats. when I bulk its back to 3,500 cals 40 pro, 40 carbs, 20 fat.
I like being strong both heavy weights and body strength. see below my stats:
my Bench 140kg at 6 reps 160kg for 1 rep
my back squat 120kg at 10 reps 170kg for 1 rep
my BB OHP is 100kg at 8 reps 125kg for 1 rep
my Deads are 240kg at 5 reps 265kg for 1 rep
my rows are 120kg at 6 reps
Chin ups x 35, muscle ups x 12, weighted dips BDW 90kg + 70kg x 12
Any one disagree with my method?