@RT_Nomad I never thought to ask before but during your bodybuilding days what was your low impact cardio regimen of choice? If you don’t mind explaining, did it change “in season” vs “off season”?
I didn’t do cardio the first two decades that I competed. Cardio was not considered needed.
In my 40’s my cardio was mainly walking around my neighborhood “about 2 mile block.” I started doing 30 minutes when I first awakened. And added as needed as the contest neared. The most I got to was 45 minutes in AM before eating and 45 minutes late PM after eating.
I only did cardio starting 12 weeks out from a contest. I did not do cardio “off season.”
Gotcha, that’s about what I am doing now and to be honest I am amazed at how cut you bodybuilders were able to get from that low effort of cardio.
I guess diet has a much greater impact on shedding the body fat than anything else.
That seems a reasonable approach. The beginning of the workout focus on strength. As the workout continues focus on getting a pump (and feeling the contraction.) I never did cardio during my weight workout periods. I ate before and after weights. I most preferred AM, pre-breakfast cardio.
Most definitely.
This is my favorite program to recommend, because it is a complete program. Just plug in your numbers and go. This is especially helpful when you are lost and not sure what to do.
Run it for a few cycles, access and go from there.
Thank you much community! I’m gonna try it
I need help so I’m gonna do conuyate strength program and wanted thoughts on this split
Monday- push
Wednesday -legs
Thursday- cardio 30 min high intensity
Friday-upper body
And if so should my upper lower day be isolated muscles instead compound and what’s thoughts sets and rep range and any sample plans for me. Id like to keep it within 5 days but not sure how to plan it and ty!
Without knowing your exercise selection, having a pull (assuming a deadlift, since it’s not “back”), then legs, then intense cardio (also assuming lower-body cardio,) seems like a bit much.
Why not do something like this?
Upper body - Strength, low reps, high weights
Lower body - Strength, low reps, high weights
Off - or abs, light cardio, stretching, whatever
Chest and back - High volume
Legs - High Volume
Shoulders and arms - High volume
Cardio day - Intense
Thank you much!!!
Can you help me also with what workout would look like for those days like exercises. I’m confused how many per body part and what exercises to maximize gains. Ty!!
Id give a suggestion…but most know what programming i would suggest.
Well, I’m in the minority and don’t know, but always like learning something new.
Hey, crazy idea - why don’t you do something written by a pro and proven effective?
Texas Method, 531, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Why limit yourself? My last training program contained sets from 2-50 reps.
Obviously it depends on what you have access to, like doing, and gets results, but here is a rough draft to get you started.
Upper body - Bench variation, Bicep curls, OH press variation, Row variation, JM presses, Dumbbell shoulder variation
Lower body - Deadlift, seated calf variation, squats, light cardio for 20 minutes, weighted lunges
Off - whatever you feel like, active recovery or stay in bed and alt-tab porn. Just make sure to alternate hands to even out forearm development.
Chest and back - Incline barbell, Seated cable row, Fly variation, Pulldowns/Pullups,
Legs - Different squat variation, standing calf variation, leg curls, leg extensions, glute exercise, lower body cardio
Shoulders and arms - Arnold press, skullcrushers, curl variation, lateral raise variation, rope cable pressdowns, reverse curls, rear delt exercise, pushups to failure
Cardio day - Whatever makes you throw up.
Alternatively you could pick any upper/lower powerlifting split, and a 3 day bodybuilding split, and do that.
I would recommend you check out 531 or Conjugate. It looks like you enjoy training variety and going balls out so I’m going to recommend Conjugate
^copy and paste everything but the first "" in the links here if you want to read.
I do lol you nailed it and God bless you!! Ty
@Andrewgen_Receptors just mentioned it…lol