Help Designing a Program

Hi guys, its my first post here so be gentle.

I need help in designing a program. Am I in the correct place? (just thought I’d ask first)

Yes, by the sounds of it, you are indeed in the correct place. What are some of your stats and goals and maybe some of us can help you out.

Id suggest reading the are you a beginner thread the links in it and picking one of the VERY solid well rounded and proven programs in it. Use one of those then another and another each to completion, Before you know it a year or two will have passed and if you were consistent trained hard then youll see marked progress

If you have any questions about said programs Come on back


guys, thanks for the reply.

I’m not a beginner, it was a specific question I had regarding a Poliquin program I saw, but didnt know anything about it. However I picked up a copy of the German Body Comp book and it was exactly the same program design, had all the answers to my questions. I just didnt know that the program I was called the german body comp.

Anyway, thanks again