Hedlesky's Post-Bombing Log

[quote]ryanbCXG wrote:
For the weight gain you still doing backloading type diet? Just adding in more cals? If so where you adding them? Early part of the day or carbs in the backload?[/quote]

This is why I love the structure of this diet. It is easy to do whatever you want. Looking back, when I was dropping weight the last week before the meet, my backloading was less frequent and very few carbs. When I was steady with my weight loss and still felt strong, I was backloading 5 days a week and had one carb meal with each backload that was around 200-300g of carbs.

For gaining, I plan on getting around 40g-100g everyday, throughout the day (mostly from intra/PWO shakes) and backloading every night. Two big carb meals on days after my 4 heavy training days (shooting for 500-600g to start out) and then sticking with one carb meal on conditioning and extra workout days (200-300g).

Saturday- 6-30-12- Stuff day.

Sled Slangin’- 4 plates for 640 feet in 3:51. Emphasis on staying up right, driving through my heels, and keeping my hips extended. This got pretty tough by the 400th foot.

Tabata Hammer Time- 16lbs, switched the lead hand every set. Got at least 12 strikes in on each set.

Tri Ext.-M.Mini- 100 reps
Hamstring Curls- Light- 100 reps

Had a really hard time catching my breath this morning and my throat felt like it had AIDS in it. Went to the doc after the gym and it turns out I have either a really bad case of bronchitis (which I get chronically throughout the year because I have the physiological lung structure of someone with mesothelioma) or I have walking pneumonia. Had to leave the doc and go immediately to work for the rest of the day. I have already chugged the LSD/Acid cough medicine mixture and am doing my best to keep the talking transformer pec dec from stealing my pot of gold. Also, I think I have a doppelganger climbing in the walls that wants to kill me and take my place…

I probably should have called out today.

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]pbclax1 wrote:
Watched the nats…that was some shit, that is all I have to say about that.

300 or bust…get after it![/quote]

Working on it. When I was up at Westside, Louie told me I should be around 315-330 if I want to reach my potential. I want to be there in a year. I am completely done pussying around with my weight and worrying about where I will be most competitive. Strong is competitive. So I need to work on getting stronger.[/quote]

Have you considered just moving to Ohio to train at Westside?


Hey - do you have any lifetime goals you want to hit numbers wise? Or do you prefer to look to improve meet by meet?

You have a very interesting way of training, specifically the variety of work and amount of conditioning.

[quote]CSEagles1694 wrote:

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]pbclax1 wrote:
Watched the nats…that was some shit, that is all I have to say about that.

300 or bust…get after it![/quote]

Working on it. When I was up at Westside, Louie told me I should be around 315-330 if I want to reach my potential. I want to be there in a year. I am completely done pussying around with my weight and worrying about where I will be most competitive. Strong is competitive. So I need to work on getting stronger.[/quote]

Have you considered just moving to Ohio to train at Westside?


Yes. I even found a pizza place down the street that was hiring. I don’t have enough money to move. I have slowly been accumulating equipment. I want to get the gym I train at to be a certified westside gym and a USA weightlifting club in the next year or two.

[quote]yolo84 wrote:
Hey - do you have any lifetime goals you want to hit numbers wise? Or do you prefer to look to improve meet by meet?

You have a very interesting way of training, specifically the variety of work and amount of conditioning.[/quote]

800 raw squat, 1100 equipped squat. 500 raw bench, 700 equipped bench. 900 deadlift by any means.

Thats it for now. Lifetime goals should change a lot if you are actually getting stronger. I remember when an 800lb deadlift was unthinkable. I also remember watching a kid bench 225 in high school and I couldn’t believe there were people in the world that strong.

I’ve got a lot of time left. A lot of the guys stronger than me have 10 more years of training on me.

Will be following this log if not just so we’re hanging out at Raw Nats

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]yolo84 wrote:
Hey - do you have any lifetime goals you want to hit numbers wise? Or do you prefer to look to improve meet by meet?

You have a very interesting way of training, specifically the variety of work and amount of conditioning.[/quote]

800 raw squat, 1100 equipped squat. 500 raw bench, 700 equipped bench. 900 deadlift by any means.

Thats it for now. Lifetime goals should change a lot if you are actually getting stronger. I remember when an 800lb deadlift was unthinkable. I also remember watching a kid bench 225 in high school and I couldn’t believe there were people in the world that strong.

I’ve got a lot of time left. A lot of the guys stronger than me have 10 more years of training on me.[/quote]

Thanks for the response.

Are you actually planning on weighing 330 for next year/ in the medium term then? Also, what does it mean to be “Westside certified” regarding a gym, i have not heard that before.

Are you planning on taking the assisted route soon? Please ignore if you do not want to discuss it.

As you said, you are definitely still very young. A friend of mine trains with Andy Bolton and he is still going strong at 42. Guess one of the key things is avoiding any big injuries too.

Funny you mention the 225 bench, I remember the same thing and thinking “they must have just been born SUPER strong” LOL.

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]CSEagles1694 wrote:

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]pbclax1 wrote:
Watched the nats…that was some shit, that is all I have to say about that.

300 or bust…get after it![/quote]

Working on it. When I was up at Westside, Louie told me I should be around 315-330 if I want to reach my potential. I want to be there in a year. I am completely done pussying around with my weight and worrying about where I will be most competitive. Strong is competitive. So I need to work on getting stronger.[/quote]

Have you considered just moving to Ohio to train at Westside?


Yes. I even found a pizza place down the street that was hiring. I don’t have enough money to move. I have slowly been accumulating equipment. I want to get the gym I train at to be a certified westside gym and a USA weightlifting club in the next year or two.[/quote]

Just be like everybody else, and become a bouncer in a bar / strip club up here. I’m serious.

[quote]detazathoth wrote:
Will be following this log if not just so we’re hanging out at Raw Nats[/quote]

haha sounds like a plan. I have a tradition of going immediately to the closest bar and getting a celebratory (sometimes consolatory) shot of bourbon. You are more than welcome to join in!

This also happens in conjunction with the traditional roofie cocktail party.

[quote]yolo84 wrote:

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]yolo84 wrote:
Hey - do you have any lifetime goals you want to hit numbers wise? Or do you prefer to look to improve meet by meet?

You have a very interesting way of training, specifically the variety of work and amount of conditioning.[/quote]

800 raw squat, 1100 equipped squat. 500 raw bench, 700 equipped bench. 900 deadlift by any means.

Thats it for now. Lifetime goals should change a lot if you are actually getting stronger. I remember when an 800lb deadlift was unthinkable. I also remember watching a kid bench 225 in high school and I couldn’t believe there were people in the world that strong.

I’ve got a lot of time left. A lot of the guys stronger than me have 10 more years of training on me.[/quote]

Thanks for the response.

Are you actually planning on weighing 330 for next year/ in the medium term then? Also, what does it mean to be “Westside certified” regarding a gym, i have not heard that before.

Are you planning on taking the assisted route soon? Please ignore if you do not want to discuss it.

As you said, you are definitely still very young. A friend of mine trains with Andy Bolton and he is still going strong at 42. Guess one of the key things is avoiding any big injuries too.

Funny you mention the 225 bench, I remember the same thing and thinking “they must have just been born SUPER strong” LOL.[/quote]

Yes. I need to maximize my leverage and get really really strong at the same time. My arms are a mile long. I have to get fatter. “Westside Certified” for a gym just means you have a ton of awesome shit and strong people lift there. I am not sure if it an official thing or not. Louie mentions it in his “Westside Gym Requirement” article. I am actually Certified in Special Strength Training through westside. I took the written test when I was up there. It was the hardest fucking test I have ever taken… and I have a Masters Degree.

I still have some goals that I want to accomplish in the USAPL/IPF. Until I get those, no assistance. I could just do what everyone else does: make lots of friends with higher ups, never get drug tested, and find great masking agensts just incase. haha. I am not that smart and I don’t have enough money for a serious enough set of ‘gear.’ Plus, I am only 27 years old. I’l wait till I am like 35.

Yea man, if you can stay healthy, muscle maturity is a strong factor in longevity and maximizing strength over the long term. Steve Mann, the guy who just won mens nationals in the 264 class totalled 2150 or something ridiculous… he is 36. Look at Brad Gillingham, he has pulled 881 at 47 years old? That is nuts. I am sure these guys were strong to begin with but they are absolutely outlasting everyone else. So, yea, I’ve still got time. I am in very good health at 270-280lbs. I am sure I will incur some mild cardiovascualr problems when I get up to 300 but as long as I can keep my bodyfat under control and eat relatively clean, I don’t see why I couldn’t be over 300lbs for a solid 10 years. Look at the biggest loser for Christs sake. Those lazy fat fucks somehow Forest Gumped their way to a 400+lb existance for decades, lose weight, and all of their cardio enzymes return to normal, blood pressure drops, diabetes goes away, life expectancy goes through the roof, etc. etc.

Honestly, either way, I don’t really care. I am sure my view will change when I have kids and I want to see them grow up or some bullshit like that. For now, having my heart explode under an 1100lb squat would be fine with me.

[quote]frankjl wrote:

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]CSEagles1694 wrote:

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]pbclax1 wrote:
Watched the nats…that was some shit, that is all I have to say about that.

300 or bust…get after it![/quote]

Working on it. When I was up at Westside, Louie told me I should be around 315-330 if I want to reach my potential. I want to be there in a year. I am completely done pussying around with my weight and worrying about where I will be most competitive. Strong is competitive. So I need to work on getting stronger.[/quote]

Have you considered just moving to Ohio to train at Westside?


Yes. I even found a pizza place down the street that was hiring. I don’t have enough money to move. I have slowly been accumulating equipment. I want to get the gym I train at to be a certified westside gym and a USA weightlifting club in the next year or two.[/quote]

Just be like everybody else, and become a bouncer in a bar / strip club up here. I’m serious.[/quote]

That sounds like a very safe bar and strip club scene up in Ohio.

That is quite the bar tab. Damn. Way to put it down… You a heavyweight when it comes to drinking? I have a couple friends that are up near your weight (no where near the muscle amount they are fatter) that i can out drink even though they have 80lbs or so on me.

So when louie said 315ish to be your best how does he judge that? Height? Or lever lengths…ect? Very interesting. HOw tall are you again?

I hope i can die doing somethign i love rather than just slowly becoming crippled to the point where i cant move and ppl are taking care of me. This log is taking on new awesomeness

[quote]ryanbCXG wrote:
That is quite the bar tab. Damn. Way to put it down… You a heavyweight when it comes to drinking? I have a couple friends that are up near your weight (no where near the muscle amount they are fatter) that i can out drink even though they have 80lbs or so on me.

So when louie said 315ish to be your best how does he judge that? Height? Or lever lengths…ect? Very interesting. HOw tall are you again?

I hope i can die doing somethign i love rather than just slowly becoming crippled to the point where i cant move and ppl are taking care of me. This log is taking on new awesomeness[/quote]

I grew up on a farm in a very hillbilly part of Maryland. I thought borboun was cough medicine until I got to high school.

I am 6’2’'. Where Louie got that number is completely beyound me. When we were having the conversation, he assumed I competed 242. I told him that I weighed 275. That’s when he started telling me my frame was capable of holding a ton of more weight.

Thanks for following. After my session today, death in a cloud of chalk surrounded by iron seems closer than I thought.

Sunday-7-1-12- DE Lower

Not exactly ideal readiness this morning. Due to a cough medicine hang over and barely sleeping last night because I am sicker than shit, I stayed in bed (not sleeping) an hour and a half longer than I wanted to. Here is my current pre/intra/post workout that I am going to mess around with for the next couple weeks:

When training early:

Pre- 2 cups of strong (400mg caffiene total) black coffee while getting everything else together. Another 2 cups mixed with quarter cup heavy cream, 5g creatine, 30g whey iso.

Intra- MusclePharm Assualt (I love this stuff because of the beta-alanine, citraline-M, 5g creatine, more caffiene, and 5g leucine) mixed with 20g hydro and 10g whey (because the hydro tastes like a burning used diaper filled with human hair).

Post- 60-100g of fast digesting carb (gatorade if in a rush, Carbo Gain from NOW Foods if I have time), 60g whey, 30g hydro.

Anyway, back to the shit show of a training session today. Since I was running late, I decided to get in the bare minimum… which turned out to be the HARDEST training session I have ever had. EVER.

Arrived at the gym in a haze, the coffee and pre workout did nothing to get me out of it, I am still having trouble locking out/bending my right leg, and I was still sore from thursday.

PRI exercises- ‘Clam Shell’ and Adductor work
Hip abductions with quaded mini x 100
Leg Swings
High Hammy Floss
Lunge PNF (front foot elevated 6 inches)

Reactive Box Jumps- 12inchx3, 20inchx3

Box Jumps- 36inches x 3, +20lbs x3, +40lbs x3, Had 60lbs in my hands, looked at the box, and decided not to try this today.

SSB squats- low box- Just a belt- bar x 3x10, 165x3, 255x3, 345x3… and then this happened. I think it will be better if I break down everything I was going through during this debacle today:

400lbs for 20x3 in 22:40.

Sets 1-5: each set of 3 slightly resembled actual speed work. Weight was moving pretty fast and I got them all done in about 5mins. Started accumulating a little fatigue but nothing too crazy…

Sets 6-8: These were the turning point. Actually, more like the crashing and burning point. Everything from my toenails to my forehead felt like what I imagine a person goes through the last few frantic moments of fleeting existance while someone is stabbing you to death. On set 8, I thought I tore an erector or rhomboid on my right side. I don’t know if it was adrenaline or just a sheer hatred for myself but the pain eventually went away.

Sets 9-15: I don’t remember any of these. I just remember lots of sweat and gutteral cussing under my breath. I threw up at some point during this time.

Sets 16-19: Had to take extra rest between these because set 16 was basically a max effort on the 2nd and 3rd reps. All blood in my body had been replaced with alternating pulsitile releases of liquid nitrogen and napalm.

Set 20: 1 and 2 were still pretty fast. #3 was almost a total failure. Some sort of deep seeded survival mechanism kicked in and, for self-preservations sake, my muscles felt like the neurological connection to them unplugged. I think this is what happens when your Golgi Tendon Organ fires in order to prevent contractions that could make your soft tissue explode. Stomach hit the eject button again after this one.

Following the squats, I took about 20 minutes to collect myself and make sure I wasn’t having a stroke.

Pulls- 405x10x2

Had to leave to go to work. I plan on researching the exact symptoms of Rhabdomiolysis for the rest of day and will hopefully not piss any blood/throw up anymore.

Days like today build character.

^ That was as entertaining a breakdown of training as I’ve ever read. You got talent in lifting and in writing. You should definitely pursue both. Keep kickin’ ass and you’ll crush your next meet.

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
^ That was as entertaining a breakdown of training as I’ve ever read. You got talent in lifting and in writing. You should definitely pursue both. Keep kickin’ ass and you’ll crush your next meet.[/quote]

Working on both of those, actually. The trick is trying to figure out how in the hell to make money off of writing and lifting. haha.

Thanks for reading. Today was brutal.

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
^ That was as entertaining a breakdown of training as I’ve ever read. You got talent in lifting and in writing. You should definitely pursue both. Keep kickin’ ass and you’ll crush your next meet.[/quote]

Working on both of those, actually. The trick is trying to figure out how in the hell to make money off of writing and lifting. haha.

Thanks for reading. Today was brutal.[/quote]

Write a book, hold book signing in a weightroom, sign books while lifting massive weight and amazing the crowd, collect profit. Foolproof dude.

Agreed about the entertainment value and still doing great describing the training. WRITE MORE!!! AND A BOOK PLZ


Subliminal messaging.!!!