Sunday-7-1-12- DE Lower
Not exactly ideal readiness this morning. Due to a cough medicine hang over and barely sleeping last night because I am sicker than shit, I stayed in bed (not sleeping) an hour and a half longer than I wanted to. Here is my current pre/intra/post workout that I am going to mess around with for the next couple weeks:
When training early:
Pre- 2 cups of strong (400mg caffiene total) black coffee while getting everything else together. Another 2 cups mixed with quarter cup heavy cream, 5g creatine, 30g whey iso.
Intra- MusclePharm Assualt (I love this stuff because of the beta-alanine, citraline-M, 5g creatine, more caffiene, and 5g leucine) mixed with 20g hydro and 10g whey (because the hydro tastes like a burning used diaper filled with human hair).
Post- 60-100g of fast digesting carb (gatorade if in a rush, Carbo Gain from NOW Foods if I have time), 60g whey, 30g hydro.
Anyway, back to the shit show of a training session today. Since I was running late, I decided to get in the bare minimum… which turned out to be the HARDEST training session I have ever had. EVER.
Arrived at the gym in a haze, the coffee and pre workout did nothing to get me out of it, I am still having trouble locking out/bending my right leg, and I was still sore from thursday.
PRI exercises- ‘Clam Shell’ and Adductor work
Hip abductions with quaded mini x 100
Leg Swings
High Hammy Floss
Lunge PNF (front foot elevated 6 inches)
Reactive Box Jumps- 12inchx3, 20inchx3
Box Jumps- 36inches x 3, +20lbs x3, +40lbs x3, Had 60lbs in my hands, looked at the box, and decided not to try this today.
SSB squats- low box- Just a belt- bar x 3x10, 165x3, 255x3, 345x3… and then this happened. I think it will be better if I break down everything I was going through during this debacle today:
400lbs for 20x3 in 22:40.
Sets 1-5: each set of 3 slightly resembled actual speed work. Weight was moving pretty fast and I got them all done in about 5mins. Started accumulating a little fatigue but nothing too crazy…
Sets 6-8: These were the turning point. Actually, more like the crashing and burning point. Everything from my toenails to my forehead felt like what I imagine a person goes through the last few frantic moments of fleeting existance while someone is stabbing you to death. On set 8, I thought I tore an erector or rhomboid on my right side. I don’t know if it was adrenaline or just a sheer hatred for myself but the pain eventually went away.
Sets 9-15: I don’t remember any of these. I just remember lots of sweat and gutteral cussing under my breath. I threw up at some point during this time.
Sets 16-19: Had to take extra rest between these because set 16 was basically a max effort on the 2nd and 3rd reps. All blood in my body had been replaced with alternating pulsitile releases of liquid nitrogen and napalm.
Set 20: 1 and 2 were still pretty fast. #3 was almost a total failure. Some sort of deep seeded survival mechanism kicked in and, for self-preservations sake, my muscles felt like the neurological connection to them unplugged. I think this is what happens when your Golgi Tendon Organ fires in order to prevent contractions that could make your soft tissue explode. Stomach hit the eject button again after this one.
Following the squats, I took about 20 minutes to collect myself and make sure I wasn’t having a stroke.
Pulls- 405x10x2
Had to leave to go to work. I plan on researching the exact symptoms of Rhabdomiolysis for the rest of day and will hopefully not piss any blood/throw up anymore.
Days like today build character.