To say nationals did not go the way I wanted it to would be an understatement. I half assed a lot of my training and it showed. Big time. I could make a million excuses about a handful of things that went wrong but, none of that should have mattered. I was exectly as strong as I showed on the platform. Not very. Took a couple days off training to think about some things (and mostly to recover, what I think, is a torn hamstring) but I still want to do raw nationals. So, here is a short meet write up:
2012- Men’s Nationals:
Woke up and felt like a smashed bag of assholes. Weighed in a hair above anorexic (257).
630 opener felt like 50 billion pounds. 3 white lights. 670 felt the same as 630 but I blew it up out of the hole. Too bad the whol was about 6 inches too high and my right knee didn’t lock out (this is where my hamstring exploded, I think). Tried it again and it sucked even worse
My 501 opener would have been easier if I remembered to stay tight and push hard. I forgot both of those things and I got buried under it. Took it again on my second, still sucked. Adjusted my shirt, smoked it on my third but got tunred down 2 to 1 for a failure to touch my chest. More like a successful touch to my belt.
Left the meet, went to the hotel bar, and proceeded to drink my face off in the hopes of it killing the pain in my leg.
Like I said, no excuses. I was weak and did not work hard and it showed. Lots of things to get done between now and raw nats. So:
Thursday-6-28-12- ME Lower
Tractioned hip into ext. rotation, did some high hammy flossing (this hurt a lot).
Jump rope x 200
Front squats- bar x3x10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5<~~~ wasnt hard but this one started to hurt so I shut it down
B. Split Squats- +50 extra pounds x4x10
SLDLs- 95lbsx50
1 leg hip liftsx2x20
Gonna stretch more and do some ab work later. Leg is killing me still. Today was the first day since sunday that I could bend and stragihten it. The bruising is still from the back of my knee to the bottom of my ass. Just gotta keep it moving.