hang clean vs power clean

I was doing hang cleans in the gym today and realized that my poundage wasn’t even close to my power clean. This would seem to make sense, but I was wondering if anybody knew the percent of their power clean they could hang clean, or vice versa. Thanks

If you haven’t done anything from the hang or if you haven’t done any squat cleans, your lifts from the hang will of course suck. I’ve never heard of a ratio for pwrclean/hangclean before. I know power clean + hang clean is a popular combo (do a power clean, put the bar down then right away do a squat clean from the hang right away-treat it like it’s a double even though you’re doing 2 different lifts) so maybe the weights should be about the same.

They are two different lifts:
Power cleans allow you to use both pulls, first from the floor and then from just above the knee.
Hang cleans remove the first pull and forces you to develop the second pull.
High Pulls are designed to work primarily on the first pull.
I hope this helps.

I’ve incorporated power cleans and snatches into my workout during the past few monthes but I was wondering, what is a squat clean?

I hate trying to fit cleans into a workout program. Figuring out where to put them is so tough! Argh. Right now, I’m trying to split upper body from lower body, and those ****ing things just don’t fit. Grrr. And they’re so good for strength!

That’s where you use more weight, don’t pull it as high & squat deeper. Same for the squat snatch.

My hang clean is much better than my power clean. However, it is no secret that my Glutes and Hammies are my weak point, but not for long.

I am not doing this to be picky but just to inform. With all the recent discussion on OL lifting I would like to make some clarifications.
First pull: this is when you are holding the bar in the start position, and everything leading up to when the bar leaves the ground.
Second pull: This start when the bar leaves the ground up intil the adjustment phase (just above the knees).
Third Pull: This is the adjustment phase where the knees rebend and move under the bar in preperation for the final acceleration.
Fourth Pull: this is the final acceleration and ends when the body is extended to it’s greatest.
Fifth Pull: This starts when the lifter commences to go under the bar and ends when the bar make contact with the lifters shoulders.
Sixth Pull: This is when the bar is received on the shoulders and then stands up with the bar.
These are the six phases on the pull (for the snatch it’s the same except that the bar is received at arms length instread of the shoulders.) as outlined but former Russian National Weightlifting Coach and World Champion weightlifter Robert Roman. Hope this help some in their understanding of the OL lifts.