Would appreciate any tips on getting rid of unwanted hair. I’ve heard about a product from the USA called Hair No More, has anyone here used it before? If it’s any good, do you know where I can score some in the UK?
I need to get rid of some chest hair a.s.a.p!!!
There is some info on this product on another message board I ocassionally lurk on. We can’t post the addy here, but the feedback I have read is all positive, a real mesomorphsis.
Has anyone ever tried removing your hair by lazer? If so, how did it work out?
Actually, the Hair-No-More product is Canadian. Tried it once, and seemed to work some, but I didn’t follow through with it. The laser is reported to work, but takes several treatments and can be expensive. As a racing cyclist for many years, I either shaved in the shower (sans anything but the blade – works for legs, but I wouldn’t try it anywhere else), or used an electric. If you’re a real masochist, find an EpiLady – any woman who has one would be more than happy to give it to you, I’m sure.
Laser works but slowly. A chest treatment could cost $200-$300 US and takes alot of treatments - more than the 2-6 the laser companies suggest. I got my upper arms done and its so sweet to see the results. Its not clear whether the hair will return in the medium to long term though …
Is hair no more permanent and is it possible for someone to post some info on it here.