Alright, I need some advice to get the most out of this. I am currently doing the “Great Guns” workout and I am in the 3rd phase. I am currently taking Tribex and ZMA. I am having pretty good success, but I would like to gain a little more lean mass.
This is my 3rd week on Tribex cycle. I will take 1wk off and then start Androsol for 2wks. Has ANYONE done the "Great Guns" workout and used Androsol? Would this be a good training cycle to take Androsol? I REALLY need some advice. I am 5' 7" about 150lb at 9-10% BF.
I would be starting the 4th phase of “Great Guns” when I start Androsol. Should I bump up my volume on the days I don’t do arms since I will be taking Androsol? I train 4 days a wk and obviously 2 of them are for my arms. I have upped my calories to about 400-500 over mainteince and my protein is about 1.5g per lb.
Anyone have some insight, (even bill, brock?)