Good Core Training Articles/Books/Info?

Hey guys, i have always wanted to train my core(or abs) as i feel that my abs are my weak point. But i seriously do not know where to start, i have no idea about core training.

My main goal is to have a strong and explosive core, showy abs can come later. Any great books/articles or information on core training that i could use to start?

thanks alot.

p.s: i posted this in the powerlifting section because i do not know of any better section to post in.


  1. Go the search bar.
  2. Type in “Mike Robertson.”
  3. Read absolutely everything.

Your use of the term “explosive core” shows that you don’t understand the function of the abdominal muscles very well. Do yourself a favor and learn everything you can.

I’ll start you off with a big one. The most important function of the abdominals is spinal stabilization.

Alright thanks guys.