Hey guys, I play linebacker for a small college in SD and am trying to put on a bit of weight. Right now I am 207 and would like to bulk up to 220 by may. I’d like to stay as lean as possible, just because I hate cutting. We have a great weight coach ( he used to be a wwf wrestler) and Im working on proper nutrition.
Im taking the following supplements: ON whey protein, gaspari superpump, scivation xtend, and animal pak. Next month I might try Biotest’s supps. Anyway I have never tried to pack on this much weight and it well be the most I have ever weighed. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice, thoughts, etc.
Eat enough food and eat it regularly. 5 meals a day minimum.
Make sure you have some protein with breakfast.
Have a protein shake before bed.
If you are staying the same weight or losing weight while doing this, add more fats into your diet, like putting olive oil in your bedtime shake. If that doesn’t work, add more carbs throughout the day, just don’t expect to be as lean. If that doesn’t work, you’re not eating enough food or have overtrained yourself to the extent that you should probably be injured or bedridden.
Eating a shitload of calories is your best bet over any of those supplements. Try eating right before you go to bed, also drink a protein shake immediately after your workout. I have found that taking cell tech hardcore gain a great amount of muscle mass and strength…yea some of it is water weight but 60 -70% of my gains will stay with me after I quit using it…BUT FOOD FOOD FOOD!! Make sure they are full meals.To get big you must lift heavy ass weights!!! There is no other way…GIve it all you got, it takes time, be patient and give it all you got… GOod luck
Yea, I’ve been eating a lot. I always have but I think I have a fast metabolism. I guess I just gotta stay full all the time. Thanks for the reply’s everyone.
I’ve been having the same problem for my football program. I’m going from 170 to 190 by next season. My weight gain has become steady recently from taking Tru-Mass. Lifting a lot of heavy seems the only way.
[quote]Kota wrote:
Yea, I’ve been eating a lot. I always have but I think I have a fast metabolism. I guess I just gotta stay full all the time. Thanks for the reply’s everyone. [/quote]
You really have to start counting calories. Being full isn’t a good measure because some foods that are light on calories will still fill you up. When you’re young and playing football you don’t have to eat perfectly clean.
I have the same probablem as you. I just cannot gain weight. I actually lose weight in my sleep. I eat atleast 5 meals a day with 3 weight gainer shakes(training days) and 2 weight gainer shakes(non-training days) and I train heavy. The good part is that my strength is slowly still climbing but my body weight still stays the same.
I always eat and have a weight gainer shake before hitting the sack. I would weigh about 195 before going to sleep, and wake up weighing 191 pounds. I lose about 4 pound in my sleep. If there are any other suggestions or tips that I could use to get huge, I would greatly appreciate it.
[quote]BFSWarrior wrote:
I would try a true creatine. Mono is good, but leads to some bloat. CEE and Kre are the hot new ones, which are suppose to be good for less bloat.
Also try a milk based protein before bed, like cottage cheese which is slower digesting so it will stay with you through the night.
a “true creatine” I think it’s better if you don’t talk about creatine.
Would you classify any of the supplements he’s taking as a creatine supplement? I know superpump has some but I wouldn’t call it a “true creatine” supplement.
Perhaps I should have been more clear in my explanation. But I would be more than happy to listen to what you mean if you feel like adding anything useful to this topic.
Also eating is the best weight gainer, but I assumed you wanted to supplement gain strength too. Creatine will help with this but a bad diet with great supplementation is still a bad diet (Stole that from someone, but I like it).
Hate to hijack the thread but I started out with mentioning creatine then started with the basic Monohydrate, then listed the two new ones that are getting a lot of press. It wasn’t meant to be an indepth discussion about the pros and cons of each type of creatine, just trying to point him in the right direction.
But I apologize if it was unclear, and hope that some day that I have your permission to talk again.
Kota, try drinking a gallon of whole milk each day, and eating lots of dead animal. When you run out of dead animal, kill some live animals and eat them too.
Just eat evrything you can find. I decided to get get up to atleast 95kg for 1 month ago. starting at 82 I am not up to 86-87. I am certain some weight is fat and water, but my lifts are increasing rappidly, even my chins is getting easier, even tho I weight more.