Does anyone find it very painful to do front squats in the same workout as shoulders or sometimes even the day after a shoulder workout?
If your shoulders are sore and you lay a heavy bar acros them then yes it would hurt some what.
[quote]P1 wrote:
Does anyone find it very painful to do front squats in the same workout as shoulders or sometimes even the day after a shoulder workout?[/quote]
I actually found front squats alleviated my shoulder pain.
What pain are you referring to?
It’s like anything else. The more you front squat, the more your shoulders will become accustomed to it. Build up your front delts. The more meat you have on your shoulders the better.
This to me sounds like the pain I get when I bench press and then back squat. Lots of stretching of my chest before getting under the bar clears it up, but I don’t mix these two anymore.
[quote]Raw Power wrote:
It’s like anything else. The more you front squat, the more your shoulders will become accustomed to it. Build up your front delts. The more meat you have on your shoulders the better.[/quote]
Dude, nice avatar. Is that you?