Front Squat = Shoulder Pain

Anyone else have a hell of time with front squats with pain on the front shoulders? I know there is a piece of equipment that is suppose to take stress off the shoulders, but is it just bad mechanics on my end?? I’ve tried over and over with just the bar, but it seems like it wants to slide down my arms, and if I have it in the right spot, it seems like its up against my bottom of my neck (which bugs me)

Any help would be appreciated.

Elbows high, Shoulders & elbows shrugged foreward and in as far as possible, head & neck back. Experiment from there. Your delts should seat the load then not your clavicles which I’m assuming is the problem.

put your thumbs underneath the bar (same side as fingers). this offers more hand support. even tho you aren’t supposed to use hands as weight bearers, you’ll have to learn the flexibility.